A woman gestures to her therapist as they discuss something. This represents women’s therapy in Wilmington, NC, and the support a therapist for women can provide. Learn more about counseling for women’s issues, online counseling for women in North C…

Counseling for Busy Professional Women Experiencing Overwhelm and Women’s Issues

As a woman, it’s time to invest in yourself like you spend investing in others.


Being a woman comes with a lot of responsibilities…

As an incredible woman, you fulfill multiple roles in your life… 

You are… 

woman sitting on couch with head in her hands feeling stressed | woman experiencing stress and overwhelm | online therapy for stress in North Carolina | online therapy for stress in Maryland
  • the planner

  • the caretaker

  • the source of comfort

  • the lover

  • the wise mentor 

  • and so much more. 

You are a loving wife, a nurturing mother, a trusted friend, a cherished daughter, a supportive sister, a fearless boss, a valuable employee, and many more empowering identities. 

Throughout the day, you effortlessly transition between these roles, wearing multiple hats with grace, or sometimes with not so much grace. 

It's no surprise that putting others first sometimes leaves you feeling isolated, overwhelmed, stressed, and utterly exhausted

You rarely get the time to do something for yourself and when you do, there is a part of you that feels guilty

For some women, taking time just for you may feel foreign. 

You can’t help that your mind constantly drifts back to what you could be doing instead and when you try you always end up thinking “This isn’t productive.”

But remember, you deserve to prioritize yourself too.

Have you ever wondered what would happen if you began investing time and energy in yourself?

husband and wife dancing in the kitchen happy and smiling | online therapy for women in North Carolina | online therapy for women in Maryland

Imagine what could happen if you made yourself a priority. 

It may be challenging as a woman, but it is absolutely necessary

While you're busy taking care of everyone and everything else, don't forget to take care of yourself too. And the best part is, you don't have to give up all your roles and responsibilities to do it.

When you make yourself a priority, amazing things can start to unfold. 

You can reconnect and strengthen the relationships that truly matter to you. 

You can finally discover and actually indulge in the things that bring you joy. And with that, you'll gain more confidence in yourself.

Let's not forget about finding the balance you've been craving. It's within reach, and I'm here to support you every step of the way. 

It's time to invest in yourself and unlock your full potential. Are you ready?

A little support can go a long way…

…and here is how we work together to make that happen

Ready to take control and prioritize your well-being? 

When you start women’s therapy, you'll unlock invaluable skills that empower you to live a fulfilling life.

Here's what happens when you start therapy with me:

woman sitting in therapy appointment | therapy for women in Wilmington, NC | therapy for women in Frederick, MD
  • Personalized Roadmap to Success: Together, we'll create a tailored plan to help you achieve your goals and pave the way for a brighter future.

  • Set Healthy Boundaries: Protect your time and energy to prevent burnout and reclaim your precious resources.

  • Learn helpful tools to manage stress: Discover strategies to reduce stress and manage anxiety, bringing you closer to your inner sense of calm.

  • Nurture Self-Care: Embrace self-compassion as an essential practice, treating yourself with the kindness and care you truly deserve.

  • Live Your Values: Dive deep into your core beliefs and make intentional changes in your daily life to align with your true self.

  • Embrace Emotional Intelligence: Transform your reactive responses into thoughtful ones, creating healthier relationships with your thoughts and emotions.

Today is the day to prioritize your well-being and embark on a journey to a happier, more authentic you.

Receiving online therapy for women in Maryland and North Carolina at Calm Waters Counseling is a perfect match for you if…

Laura Rippeon smiles next to a brick wall. She is a therapist for women in Wilmington, NC that offers counseling for women’s issues. Contact Calm Waters Counseling to learn about women’s therapy in Wilmington, NC today!
  • You’re ready to start letting go of what is not within your control

  • You’re ready to start creating the shift of making yourself a priority

  • You’re ready to actively create the work-life harmony 

  • You want to find more moments of happiness

  • You want to create healthier boundaries in your life

  • You want to rebuild the relationships that matter most to you

Start online women’s therapy in North Carolina and Maryland with me today!

Begin Online Therapy for Women in Maryland and North Carolina today – follow these 3 simple steps…

Step 1| The Consultation - Reserve your free 15-minute consultation with me on a day and time of your choice.

Step 2| The Questionnaire - Once you have scheduled your consultation, within 24hrs, you will receive an email to complete a short questionnaire. This helps me to better understand you and what you are wanting to achieve in your therapy process.

Step 3| The Phone Call - Once your questionnaire is completed and returned, I will call you on the day and time you chose and discuss some of the things from your questionnaire and set up your first intake appointment.

Start Online Counseling for Women in North Carolina and Maryland

A woman smiles as she types on her laptop. This could represent online counseling for women in North Carolina. Contact a therapist for women to learn more about women’s therapy in Wilmington, NC, or search “therapy for women.”

I am licensed in both Maryland and North Carolina. I can provide therapy to anyone living in those states. To learn more about online therapy, click the links below.

Online Therapy in Maryland

Online Therapy in North Carolina

Online therapy appointments take place via a HIPAA-compliant video platform. This way, we can both see and hear each other.

Additional Online Therapy Services for Women Offered at Calm Waters Counseling

Therapy for Stress and Overwhelm

Feel like you're constantly juggling tasks and drowning in a never-ending to-do list? It's time to stop the battle and start experiencing stress relief.

Therapy for Entrepreneurs

Are the demands of being an entrepreneur weighing you down? Don't let burnout take over! Find out how to get the support you need and regain your balance, starting today.

Therapy for High Achievers

You are a driven go-getter who constantly raises the bar and relentlessly chases your dreams. But the price you pay for pushing boundaries might leave a dent on your mental health. Get support today!

Therapy for Imposter Syndrome

Tired of feeling like a fraud? It's time to escape the clutches of your inner critic and discover the truth. You are not an imposter, and it's time to regain control and boost your confidence. Get started in therapy today.

Treatment for Perfectionism

Are you exhausted from the never-ending quest for perfection? Break free from the cycle of forever tweaking and never feeling satisfied. Are you eager to quiet that relentless inner critic? Let's start your journey today!

Burnout Therapy

Unleash yourself from work burnout and embrace a renewed sense of purpose. Explore the empowering advantages of burnout therapy.

Treatment for Anxiety

Is your mind a whirlwind while your body tries to find peace? Wave goodbye to constant racing thoughts and discover the secrets of inner calm.

Want to Know More about Calm Waters Counseling?

Learn more about me and my Wilmington, NC therapy practice here!

I share about styles of therapy and what you can expect when working with me. 

If you still have questions, click the buttons below to learn more.