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Online Therapy for Busy Professional High-Achieving Women Experiencing Stress and Overwhelm

Being voted “Most Likely to Succeed” doesn’t come without its pressures


You’re a natural go-getter and you set the bar high…

…and you’ve checked the boxes and hit the milestones

You have spent a lot of your life motivated and wanting to be successful. 

You’re working harder than you have ever before. 

The increased demands from your job and family obligations, stress and overwhelm have become a part of your daily life.

Not to mention the pressure of expectations you have put on yourself and others have put on you, now leave you feeling overworked and overwhelmed.

You are off and running from the moment your feet hit the floor in the morning only to come dragging into the house that evening.

Sure you were Superwoman today and everything got done and you knocked it out of the park…

…but despite aiming high and achieving your goals, you still feel unfulfilled and unhappy.

Wrapped in among all of the achievements are some feelings of uncertainty, you’re starting to realize you’ve lost sight of what is really important to you.

Are you ready to rediscover what is really important to you?

What are some qualities of a high-achiever?

There is nothing wrong with being a high achiever and it can present some challenges at times. Here are some signs of a high achiever:

You're never satisfied with mediocrity.

If you're the kind of person who is always striving to do better and be better, then you're likely a high achiever. You're never content with just getting by or being average; you always want to push yourself to reach new heights.

You set ambitious goals for yourself.

High achievers are known for setting big goals and then working tirelessly to achieve them. If you find yourself constantly setting and achieving goals that others might deem impossible, then you're probably a high achiever.

You have a strong work ethic.

If you have a strong work ethic, then you're likely a high achiever. High achievers are usually very driven and they're not afraid to put in the hard work required to reach their goals.

You're always learning new things.

High achievers are often lifelong learners who are always looking to expand their knowledge base. If you find yourself constantly learning new things and seeking out new challenges, then you might be a high achiever.

You take risks.

Another sign of a high achiever is someone who is willing to take risks. High achievers know that in order to achieve great things, sometimes you have to put everything on the line and take some chances.

You're resilient in the face of adversity.

Finally, high achievers are usually very resilient in the face of adversity. They don't give up easily and they often find a way to overcome any obstacle that stands in their way

Have you ever wondered what it would be like if you could dial it back and still be successful?

Success and achievement can look different for each person. How are you going to define your new meaning of success?

Imagine a new version of success that's all about building strong relationships, pursuing your passions, and being fully present in your own life. 

Picture yourself finally diving into that self-care list you've been keeping tucked away. 

And how about coming home after a long day, filled with excitement to see your spouse and connect with your kids? 

Plus, imagine giving yourself permission to rest and recharge, without the pressure to always be productive. 

This is what your new version of success can look like.

You deserve to turn this new meaning of being successful into reality…

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Discover the benefits of starting online therapy for high achievers, where redefining success is just the beginning. Together we create a personalized plan to achieve your goals. Here's a glimpse of some of the things we will be working on together:

  • Uncover the key to balancing your goals with the other important parts of your life. 

  • Master the art of self-compassion and treat yourself with kindness and grace. 

  • Explore your values and create a path to a rich and meaningful life. 

  • Learn to embrace the present moment and unlock the power of making choices.

Ready to embark on this transformative journey? 

Receiving online therapy for high achievers in Maryland and North Carolina at Calm Waters Counseling is a perfect match for you if…

  • You’re ready to redefine what your version of success looks like

  • You’re ready to take action to prioritize your needs

  • You want to create boundaries in your life

  • You want to strengthen your connections with the relationships that matter the most

If you are a high-achiever looking to redefine success in your life and get started in online therapy for high-achievers at Calm Waters Counseling, book your free consultation today, and let’s get started!


Get started in online therapy for high achievers in North Carolina and Maryland today – follow these 3 simple steps…

Step 1| The Consultation - Book your free 15-minute consultation with me at a time and date that suits you best.

Step 2| The Questionnaire - Once you've set up your consultation, expect an email from me within 24hrs for a quick questionnaire. This will give me better insights into your needs and goals for the therapy experience.

Step 3| The Phone Call - After you have finished and submitted your questionnaire, I'll personally reach out to you on the day and time you've selected. We'll go through the details covered in your questionnaire, discuss specific aspects, and arrange your first appointment.

Additional Online Therapy Services at Calm Waters Counseling

Therapy for Stress and Overwhelm

Feeling overwhelmed by the mounting stress in your life? With a never-ending to-do list and so much going on, most days can be a real struggle. Don't let exhaustion win!

Therapy for Entrepreneurs

Running a business can be incredibly demanding and overwhelming. You often find yourself pulled in multiple directions, constantly striving to fulfill countless demands. It feels like there's always something that requires your attention, leaving you consumed by work.

Treatment for Anxiety

Do you constantly feel like you're always on the go, with your body at rest but your mind in constant motion? Always wondering what tasks lie ahead? The worries take over leaving you mentally exhausted.

Treatment for Perfectionism

Feeling exhausted from the never-ending pursuit of perfection? Escape the cycle of constant fixes and never feeling good enough. Discover how to regain control of your life and silence that relentless critical voice. Let's find out how!

Burnout Therapy

Are you tired of giving your all and constantly putting others first? It's time to break free from the suffocating weight of expectations and move forward! Say goodbye to feeling drained and hello to a life filled with possibilities...

Women’s Therapy

Welcome to a world where you've embraced numerous roles and always put others first. But now, it's your moment to shift the spotlight back onto yourself and embark on a journey of self-discovery.

Therapy for Imposter Syndrome 

Are you tired of that constant inner critic labeling you as a fraud? It's time to break free from its grip. Discover the truth: that voice is deceiving you. Reclaim your confidence and prove it wrong. 


Want to Know More about Calm Waters Counseling?

Learn more about me and my Wilmington, NC therapy practice here!

I share about styles of therapy and what you can expect when working with me. 

If you still have questions, click the buttons below to learn more.