African American woman covers her face with her hands because she is feeling the stress of being a perfectionist in Wilmington, NC. She is struggling with work due to perfectionism and is feeling paralyzed with fear. Calm Waters Counseling offers tr…

Online Therapy for Busy Professional Women Experiencing Perfectionism

“Not enough” is not acceptable when you’re a perfectionist


You are constantly striving and yet it seems like you always fall short somehow…

…perfectionism leaves you chasing a moving target

A sad woman in pajamas curls up in a chair as she points the remote at the TV. She is crippled by perfectionism symptoms and is afraid to do anything that might cause her to fail. Calm Waters Counseling can help with overcoming perfectionism in Wilm…

It's tough when your hard work doesn't feel good enough…when you don’t feel good enough.

You set the bar high for yourself and others. Sometimes you don’t even know you are doing it, but others frequently fall short of your high expectations, even with the best of intentions. 

Often this leads to taking on extra tasks for yourself because it’s not worth the stress and disappointment when things can’t be done correctly. 

And yet, the fear of making a mistake can paralyze you, trapping you in a cycle of overthinking and procrastination. 

It's exhausting

How do you move forward and break the cycle of perfectionism when this is all you know?

Symptoms of Perfectionism

Are you a busy professional woman experiencing perfectionism and stress?

Perfectionism and burnout can also increase stress and overwhelm. Discover the various signs and symptoms of perfectionism that can affect each person differently.

  • Feeling the need to be in control 

  • Procrastination

  • Critical of self and others

  • Difficulty trusting others and delegating tasks

  • Fear of failure

  • Setting high expectations of self and others

Discover the telltale signs of perfectionism that many of my clients face. Ready to conquer your inner perfectionist and embrace positive change?

Book your consultation.

You’ve spent so much time in the perfectionism cycle – when all you really want is to break free from it

A family plays with a basketball on the beach, after dealing with the signs of perfectionism in their household. The mother, a perfectionist in Wilmington, NC, kicks the ball away as her family runs behind her. She is feeling less stressed and calme…

You are tired of being trapped in the never-ending pursuit of perfection.

You want to start living life on your own terms and not what your perfectionist brain tells you. 

Imagine a life where you embrace help, support, and receive encouragement. 

This is where your inner critic is replaced by your inner cheerleader and where you take charge and make things happen. 

Best of all, you can enjoy your passions without worrying about measuring up. 

Say goodbye to the "not good enough" mindset and say hello to a life of freedom. 

It's time to make it happen.

Meet your new inner cheerleader when you begin online treatment for perfectionism in North Carolina and Maryland

Transform your inner critic into your inner cheerleader with help and support.

therapist for perfectionism in North Carolina | therapist for perfectionism in Maryland | experiencing perfectionism

It’s important to have someone by your side as you navigate the journey of overcoming perfectionism

At the start of therapy, we will create your personalized therapy plan to help you meet your goals and break free from the grips of perfectionism.

While you receive treatment for perfectionism, we also work on other essential areas of your life. 

Together, we'll explore what it is that you are wanting in your life and give you the support to make some of those hard changes possible.

You'll learn mindfulness skills, increasing your ability to stay present in the moment. 

Boost your self-confidence and learn how to improve your decision-making and recognize the choices available to you.

Create the safe space necessary to develop self-compassion and kindness. 

Don't let perfectionism hold you back any longer. 

Begin online therapy for perfectionism today with Laura and discover the joy of embracing your imperfections while fostering a positive inner voice.


Receiving online therapy for perfectionism in North Carolina and Maryland at Calm Waters Counseling is a perfect match for you if…

  • You’re ready to start the process of letting go of what you can’t control

  • You want to start prioritizing yourself

  • You want to experience relief 

  • You want to create boundaries in your life

  • You want to rebuild the relationships that matter most to you

If this sounds like you, keep reading to learn how to get started in online therapy for perfectionism with Laura.


Start online treatment for perfectionism in North Carolina and Maryland today – follow these 3 simple steps…

Step 1| The Consultation - Schedule your complimentary 15-minute consultation with me at a time and date that works best for you!

Step 2| The Questionnaire - After you've scheduled your consultation, keep an eye out for an email from me in the next 24 hours. I'll be sending you a short questionnaire to get a better idea of your requirements and objectives for the therapy sessions.

Step 3| The Phone Call - Once you've completed and submitted your questionnaire, I'll personally get in touch with you on the day and time you've chosen. We'll dive into the specifics covered in your questionnaire, chat about particular aspects, and schedule your very first appointment. I'm really looking forward to connecting with you!

Additional Online Therapy Services at Calm Waters Counseling

Therapy for Stress and Overwhelm

Are you exhausted by the constant stress in your life? Dealing with an endless to-do list and juggling multiple responsibilities can be tough. Get support today!

Therapy for Entrepreneurs

Being an entrepreneur and business owner can be stressful and overwhelming. You are constantly pulled in many directions and often resulting in entrepreneurial burnout. Get help today!

Therapy for High Achievers

Your success knows no bounds, yet the weight of your accomplishments is taking a toll. High achievers like you understand that pushing your limits can impact your mental well-being. Let's find a balance.

Treatment for Anxiety

Tired of your mind constantly being consumed by worries and "what ifs"? Give yourself a break and discover how to manage your anxious thoughts for a calmer, more peaceful state of being. Get the help you need today.

Burnout Counseling

Are you tired of constantly prioritizing others and giving your all? Break free from the suffocating weight of expectations and discover a life bursting with possibilities! Say goodbye to feeling drained and embrace a future filled with potential...

Women’s Therapy

Your life is a whirlwind of ever-changing roles, constantly putting others first. No wonder you're feeling exhausted and drained. It's finally your moment to shine and put yourself in the spotlight. Take charge and get the support you truly deserve today!

Therapy for Imposter Syndrome 

Sick of that constant inner critic labeling you as a fraud? Break free from its grip and uncover the truth: that voice is deceiving you. Reclaim your confidence and prove it wrong. It's time to take a stand.


Want to Know More about Calm Waters Counseling?

Learn more about me and my Wilmington, NC therapy practice here!

I share about styles of therapy and what you can expect when working with me. 

If you still have questions, click the buttons below to learn more.