African American woman smiles as she types on her laptop at the table. She is looking up options for online therapy in Maryland. Calm Waters Counseling offers online anxiety therapy, online burnout treatment, and more. Contact us to get in touch wit…

Making Online Therapy for Anxiety Work into Your Lifestyle

Your time is valuable, and you’ve got so much going on. I understand it is not always easy to drop everything to get away to an office for an appointment.

Having your therapy appointment online is not what you typically think of when you think of going to therapy. But it has proved to be very successful when treating stress, overwhelm, and anxiety

I specialize in providing online therapy for stress and overwhelm and anxiety treatment to women. My specialties include therapy for women experiencing anxiety, perfectionism, imposter syndrome, and burnout. If you’re interested in learning more about getting started in therapy or scheduling your free 15-minute consultation check out these options.

Overhead view of backed-up highway traffic. Skip the commute and meet an online therapist in Maryland. Calm Waters Counseling offers online therapy in Maryland, online anxiety therapy, and more.

Skip the Bumper to Bumper Traffic in the DMV

The hustle and bustle feeling that is alive and well in the DMV can lead to increased stress and anxiety. Teletherapy in Maryland has been a great addition to therapy services. It has made connecting with clients so much easier. And at times, more effective in working with my clients on their stress management and anxiety treatment.

I understand the struggle of working in Rockville or Columbia and sitting in traffic on 270 or 70. Leaving home by 4 or 5 PM just so you can make it to Frederick by 6 PM (hopefully) for your therapy appointment. The DMV traffic is ridiculous (talk about anxiety-provoking). With the option of online therapy in Maryland, you can now skip the outer loop traffic in rush hour to make sure you get to your appointment.

It is convenient to be able to have your therapy appointment from your home or your office on your time. Not only does Telehealth allow you to skip out on the stress of sitting in traffic to get to your appointment. You can also have therapy while on vacation elsewhere. Taking in the fun and beach at Ocean City or spending time on the lake at Deep Creek Lake. You can show up for your online therapy session, and continue taking care of yourself.

Online Stress and Anxiety Therapy in Maryland

An open laptop rests on a table of a lake-house. You can connect to an online therapy session from anywhere in Maryland. Calm Waters Counseling offers online anxiety therapy, cbt for anxiety online, and more.

Calm Waters Counseling specializes in working with anxious and stressed-out women that are experiencing anxiety, perfectionism, and burnout

Therapy Approaches

  • Acceptance and Commitment Therapy (ACT) - utilizes acceptance and mindfulness skills to enhance mental flexibility relating to identified values

  • Solution Focused Therapy - not as much emphasis on how an issue came to be, but goal-oriented to help reach solutions to the present problem

  • Mindfulness Techniques - incorporated into CBT and ACT, the practice of being present-minded, focused, and accepting

Woman on laptop pets her French bulldog. She represents someone looking up options for online therapy in Maryland, perhaps as treatment from work burnout. Calm Waters Counseling offers online therapy for panic attacks, online anxiety therapy, and mo…

Easily Bring Fido into Your Session to Help Ease Your Anxiety

One of the best parts of being able to do online anxiety therapy from home is being able to bring your dog, cat, or any other pet into the session. Your pet can help ease your stress, and calm your anxiety.

As a dog mom, I love when my clients bring their pets into the online therapy room.

What is Online Therapy?

Simply put, it’s therapy that can be done from the comfort and convenience of your own space. It has also proven to be just as effective as going to therapy in an office environment.


How Does Online Therapy Work?

We meet via a secure HIPAA compliant video platform in the client portal where we can see and hear each other. No downloading required! You can use a laptop, tablet, or phone. Easy! For more information, read about the basics of online therapy.


Who Would Benefit from Online Therapy?

Most clients can benefit from online therapy. With online therapy, you can accommodate things like travel plans, busy schedules, and poor weather. Choosing to be in the comfort of your own space makes online therapy an ideal way to get the treatment you need. If you think you may benefit from online therapy, read more here.


Does Insurance Cover Online Therapy?

More and more insurance providers are realizing the benefits of online therapy. If you are interested in working with me via this platform insurance benefits for Telehealth Therapy will be verified before starting therapy.

Start Online Therapy in Maryland

Headshot of Laura Rippeon for Calm Waters Counseling. Calm Waters Counseling offers online therapy in Maryland, online therapy for panic attacks in Maryland, and more.

I lived in Frederick, Maryland almost all my life so I am extremely familiar with the DMV area and I moved to North Carolina in 2019.

My virtual therapy practice is located in Wilmington, NC and I provide online therapy in Maryland and North Carolina. You can learn more about me and check out my blog. If you’re ready to start online therapy, follow these simple steps:

  1. Schedule a free 15-minute consult using the button below

  2. Complete the brief questionnaire sent to your email

  3. Meet with your new caring therapist

  4. Start your therapy journey from the comfort of your own home


Other Services Offered at Calm Waters Counseling

Online therapy in Maryland isn’t the only service offered at my Wilmington, NC counseling practice. Other mental health services Calm Waters Counseling offers include online therapy in North Carolina, treatment for perfectionism, imposter syndrome, and burnout counseling.