Counseling for Entrepreneurs Experiencing Stress and Burnout

As a woman entrepreneur, you’re tired of pouring your energy into all the things and getting back a poor ROI


There is a lot of overwhelm and burnout that happens because of entrepreneurial stress

Women business owners are no strangers to imposter syndrome, perfectionism, and burnout

You started your business because you wanted something different for yourself.

Lately, your mind seems to be filled with more worry and self-doubt rather than the creativity and passion-fueled ideas that once swirled around.

You have questioned yourself and wondered if you made a mistake because it feels so hard some days and most people don’t understand the stress and pressures of owning a business. It can be lonely at times.

Finding that “balance” everyone talks about is pretty much nonexistent. There is always something in the business that needs your attention and has to be done. You can’t exactly remember how to just sit and relax.

Taking time off doesn’t work either because you just spend that time thinking of what needs to be done and how productive you could be.

The stress of being an entrepreneur is all too real and this isn’t what you thought you were signing up for when you decided to start your own business. 

It can be exhausting from all the stress and worries.

Are you ready to get support today?

Symptoms of Entrepreneur Burnout

Women already experience higher rates of stress and burnout than men because of the many different roles women take on in their life. 

Entrepreneurial burnout can impact women business owners differently and listed below are common signs of entrepreneur burnout you could be experiencing:

  • Lack of motivation and creativity

  • Isolation

  • Increased feelings of stress, anxiety, or depression

  • Difficulty with concentration or focus

  • Trouble sleeping

  • Challenges with completing tasks

If you are ready to get support and help with managing entrepreneurial stress and burnout reach out today and schedule your free consultation for an appointment.

You became an entrepreneur because you wanted a life that gave you the flexibility and independence you desired…

And…you can still have it

Imagine a life where you have the freedom, autonomy, and creativity you've always craved as an entrepreneur. 

You don't have to give up on that dream, because it's still within your reach. Deep down, you know that this is the life you truly want. 

You've already accomplished so much and come such a long way. Your happiness and fulfillment matter to you.

The good news is, you don't have to navigate this journey alone. The support you need is available. 

By reducing entrepreneurial stress and burnout, your life can transform in incredible ways...

  • Picture yourself being present and making choices that align with your desired lifestyle. 

  • Imagine spending more time doing the things you love. 

  • Feel the sense of confidence and self-assurance that comes from tapping into your full potential. 

  • And imagine reconnecting in your relationships, creating deeper connections, and nourishing bonds.

Take the next step towards a life that truly fulfills you.

I want to help you start getting a better ROI for all the time and effort you’ve been giving…

Helping entrepreneurs to help relieve stress and burnout is essential for this to happen.

When you start online therapy for entrepreneurs at Calm Waters Counseling, we will work together to create a custom plan to help you meet your goals and overcome entrepreneurial stress.

In therapy, you will also explore your thoughts and learn how to create a different relationship with your thoughts and feelings.

Making necessary changes is often really hard and in therapy, you will have the support you need to make those changes and create the life you are wanting.

During our time together, we will also focus on increasing your awareness and becoming more present in the moment. This is an important part of the work that happens in therapy as it builds on other skills.

Receiving online counseling for entrepreneurs at Calm Waters Counseling is a perfect match for you if…

  • You’re ready to start letting go of what you can’t control

  • You’re ready to start prioritizing yourself

  • You want to experience happiness again 

  • You want to set boundaries in your life

If you’re ready to get started in online therapy for entrepreneurs and get the support you need, keep reading to learn how you can begin to get support today.

Begin Online Therapy for Entrepreneurs in North Carolina and Maryland today – follow these 3 simple steps…

Step 1| The Consultation - Start by online scheduling your complimentary 15-minute consultation with me on a day and time of your choosing.

Step 2| The Questionnaire - After scheduling your consultation, within 24hrs, you will receive an email to complete a short questionnaire form. This will help me to better understand a bit about who you are and what you are wanting in your therapy process.

Step 3| The Phone Call - Once your questionnaire is completed and returned, I will call you on the day and time you chose. At that time we will review some of the things discussed in your questionnaire, go over specifics, and schedule your first appointment.

Additional Online Therapy Services at Calm Waters Counseling

Therapy for Stress and Overwhelm

You’ve got some much going on and too many things on the never-ending to-do list. Most days it’s a struggle and by the end of the day, you’re exhausted…

Therapy for High Achievers

You have an amazing ability to go all in. Your exceptional commitment has led you to great success. However, it has come at a considerable price, impacting your personal life and mental well-being...

Treatment for Anxiety

Feeling like you never slow down, with your body at rest but your brain in constant motion? Always pondering over what needs to be done next? Discover the secrets to finding calm in your life.

Treatment for Perfectionism

Are you tired of constantly putting pressure on yourself to achieve perfection? It can feel like a never-ending cycle, where every fix leads to another fix, and nothing ever feels good enough. But here's the question: How do you regain control of your life and silence that critical voice that never seems to let go?

Burnout Counseling

You've given your all and prioritized everyone else for far too long. But now, you're drained and finding it impossible to move forward. The weight of expectations is suffocating, keeping you stuck...

Women’s Therapy

Ladies, you've taken on countless roles and prioritized everyone else before yourselves. But now, as you've put their oxygen mask on first, you're running out of air. It's time to shift the focus back to you and rediscover your own path. 

Therapy for Imposter Syndrome 

No matter how hard you try, that nagging inner voice that labels you as a fraud can be relentless. It consumes your thoughts, leaving you constantly on guard, fearing the moment you'll be exposed. But here's the truth: that voice is deceiving you. So how can you reclaim your confidence and prove it wrong?


Want to Know More about Calm Waters Counseling?

Learn more about me and my Wilmington, NC therapy practice here!

I share about styles of therapy and what you can expect when working with me. 

If you still have questions, click the buttons below to learn more.