The Impact of COVID-19: The Anxiety of Returning to Old Behaviors in the New Normal

The Not So Calm Anxiety Diary blog banner. Learn about anxiety and anxiety treatment from therapist Laura Ripperon LCSW LCSW-C.

Starting a New Normal in the Times of COVID-19 Pandemic

You could be at a few different stages in this process. Perhaps you have embraced a lot of the changes that have occurred due to the COVID-19 pandemic. Or, have had some struggles. Either way, the next chapter in this pandemic is beginning. 

A grandma and her grandchild sit on a bench. This relates to concepts of anxiety treatment in Wilmington, NC. Our anxiety therapist in Wilmington, NC is able to offer online therapy in North Carolina and online therapy in Maryland.

On March 19, 2021, the United States hit the one-year anniversary of the first Stay-At-Home-Order that was passed in California. As the anniversary passed, many of my clients had been reflecting on what this year has been like for them. And, what they anticipate the year ahead will bring. 

Anxiety and fear are intermingled.

Clients have expressed anxiety about returning to work. Fears of going out to eat and being around friends and family. And, even being able to give loved ones a hug. Some have started meeting with friends and family and stated it felt “strange.” They joked they lost social skills over the past year.

You might think to yourself “if you have missed out on being able to do these things, then why have you been feeling anxious about it now that you are able to begin again?” After all, these are the things you loved and enjoyed doing just one year ago.

One year ago. 

When we never could have imagined the world would have changed as drastically as it did. And, in the way it did. 

There is trauma that has occurred. There is anxiety that has followed.

I am a therapist in Wilmington, NC. And, I specialize in therapy for high achieving women providing anxiety treatment, therapy for imposter syndrome, treatment for perfectionism, and burnout counseling.

Continue reading to find out more information on symptoms of anxiety-related to COVID-19 you may be experiencing. And, how anxiety treatment in Wilmington, NC can be helpful to address what you are feeling.

In addition, check out the next blog in part 2 on tips to help you cope with returning to a new normal in COVID-19.

If you are interested in getting started in therapy, I can make that happen! Click the buttons below to learn more about getting started in therapy and scheduling your free 15-minute consultation.

Signs and Symptoms of Anxiety Related to COVID-19

Change can be really hard. And over the past year that has been a lot of change and adjustments being made. It is very common for anxiety to increase during times of stress and such change. 

Listed below are common signs and symptoms of anxiety related to COVID-19:





Feeling a loss of control

A feeling of impending doom


Stomach issues


Poor sleep


Difficulty concentration

Feeling overwhelmed 

Racing thoughts

Avoiding behaviors

If you can identify with any of these signs and symptoms of anxiety recently, know that it is a valid response to what you are experiencing.

To learn more about anxiety check out these other helpful blog posts:

5 Tips for Choosing the Best Anxiety Therapist in Wilmington, NC

Understanding Your Anxiety and How to Treat it

The Difference Between an Anxiety Attack and a Panic Attack

What to Expect When You Start Therapy for Anxiety

Finding the Right Anxiety Therapist for You

Anxiety Treatment in Wilmington, NC for COVID-19

There are different styles of therapy for anxiety treatment. At Calm Waters Counseling, we use a variety of different approaches. This includes Cognitive Behavioral Therapy, Acceptance and Commitment Therapy (ACT). In addition, mindfulness is the preferred method for anxiety treatment.

Cognitive Behavioral Therapy in Wilmington, NC

Cognitive-behavioral therapy or CBT is one of the “gold standard” treatment modalities for anxiety and depression. CBT addresses how thoughts, feelings, and behaviors are connected. CBT looks to challenge and reframe unhelpful negative and anxious thoughts. 

When we are under a lot of stress and anxiety, our automatic thoughts may present and continue to keep our worries coming nonstop. 

“Am I doing enough?”

“What if I get sick?”

“What if I get someone else sick?”

“I am in danger.”

Reframing thoughts to create a healthier mindset may look like:

“I am doing the best I can.”

I am only in control of myself.”

For more information on using CBT during COVID-19 check out this blog post from the Beck Institute.

For more information on CBT check out this helpful blog post:

What is CBT Therapy?

Acceptance and Commitment Therapy in Wilmington, NC

Acceptance and commitment therapy (ACT) for anxiety is another therapy style for anxiety treatment. ACT encourages psychological flexibility to work through feelings of anxiety. Acceptance and commitment therapy is a branch off of cognitive-behavioral therapy. 

A photo reads “face covid.” This relates to anxiety treatment in Wilmington, NC. Our anxiety therapist in Wilmington, NC offers online therapy in Maryland and online therapy in North Carolina.

ACT places focus on what is within your control. And, taking action to improve and enhance your life. This is done by identifying values and aligning your life according to the things that matter most to you.

When COVID-19 first started, Dr. Russ Harris developed FACE COVID. They did so as a way for people to use ACT skills to help manage feelings of anxiety and depression. These skills are still very useful with the changes that are occurring once again.

Check out this helpful blog post on ACT for more information - What is ACT Therapy?

You can find the full explanation and more about FACE COVID by clicking here.

Mindfulness in Wilmington, NC

Mindfulness is being in the present moment with acceptance. And, without judgment. Using mindfulness in anxiety treatment can help you to stay grounded. And, to focus on what is happening in the here and now. At this exact moment. 

It is from this place of being in the here and now that we can work to reduce the feelings of anxiety and worrisome thoughts that occur. Anxiety is very future-oriented focusing on what is coming. The idea of mindfulness in anxiety treatment is to stay in the present. If we are able to remain in the present, then we are not focused on the future.

mindfulness -> feeling more in control -> less anxiety

Mindfulness is also used to help with letting go of control. While, at the same time, giving you the ability for more control. For my anxious folks, there is a lot of time spent focusing on what is outside of their control. Mindfulness gives the ability to bring it back to the present. To focus on one thing. And, gives you the ability to recognize what is within your control. 

For more information on mindfulness check out this blog post:

What is Mindfulness and How is it Used in Anxiety Treatment?

Stay tuned and check out the follow-up blog post:

5 Tips to Help You Cope with Returning to a New Normal During COVID-19

Feeling Overwhelm and Anxiety Due to the Impacts of COVID-19? Start Anxiety Treatment in WIlmington, nc with Me Today

A photo of a therapist in Wilmington, NC is shown. She offers anxiety treatment in Wilmington, NC. She can also offer online therapy in Maryland and online therapy in North Carolina.

I am an anxiety therapist in Wilmington, NC. You can learn more about me and Calm Waters Counseling. I specialize in counseling for women and provide anxiety treatment, therapy for imposter syndrome, treatment for perfectionism, and burnout counseling.

I am licensed in Maryland and North Carolina.

This means I am able to provide therapy services to anyone located in these states. I am an online therapist in Maryland and an online therapist in North Carolina. To learn more about each of these services click the link below.

Online Therapy in Maryland

Online Therapy in North Carolina

If you have been interested in trying online therapy check out this helpful blog post:

Is Online Therapy Right for Me?

Benefits of Using Online Therapy for Anxiety Relief

To Begin anxiety treatment in Wilmington, NC….

Click the buttons below to learn more information about getting started in therapy and scheduling your free 15-minute consultation to get started today


By: Laura Rippeon, LCSW, LCSW-C

Updated 3/12/23