5 Things to do in Wilmington, NC in the Summer to Calm Anxiety

A banner that reads “The Not-So-Secret Anxiety Diary. Laura Rippeon, LCSW, LCSW-C.” for Calm Waters Counseling. Learn more about anxiety therapy in Wilmington, NC and how online anxiety therapy can support you!

Why Going to Anxiety Therapy in the Summer is Still Important

Remember when you were a kid and you completely lived for that last day of school?!


If you were anything like me you watched a movie all day and had snacks (I support your choices teachers - whew you made it!) or had a field day and played outside all day. 

There was always this unofficial day growing up that was the end of one thing and the start of something else. This theme carried through the college years as well. Even once you end school and get out in the “real world” it still follows suit. Thank you Memorial Day, the unofficial start to summer. 

A woman gestures with her hands as she talks with a person holding a clipboard. This could symbolize anxiety therapy in Wilmington, NC. Contact an anxiety therapist for support with CBT for anxiety online, online anxiety therapy in Maryland, and oth…

But, what we know is that our mental health doesn’t get a “summer vacation.” Yes, even if our mentality often still goes there. I get it though. Taking a break, easy living, and wanting a carefree summer. 

To keep taking care of yourself and your mental health it is important to not fall into the summertime trap. The worries don’t stop. The nail-biting or picking is still there. Being irritable and easily frustrated still happens even when the sun is shining. 

I’m a therapist in Wilmington, NC. I enjoy providing counseling for women. I specialize in anxiety treatment, treatment for perfectionism, therapy for imposter syndrome, and burnout counseling. My online based therapy practices is located in Wilmington, NC, and I provide virtual therapy to anxious high achieving women in Maryland and North Carolina

Keep reading to check out 4 ways to manage your anxiety in the summer and 5 things to do in Wilmington, NC

Click the button to schedule a free 15-minute consult with me to begin anxiety therapy.

4 Ways to Help Manage Anxiety

People use a variety of techniques and strategies to help manage and cope with anxiety. There are many different ways to manage anxiety. Your anxiety symptoms may vary and these are 4 ways I have found to be the most helpful.

1st Way to Manage Anxiety: Spend Time Outdoors offers Natural Anxiety Relief

There is something about being outside and connecting with the world around you. It can be very grounding and centering and help spark some creativity as well. 

So go barefoot in the grass and stick your toes in the sand. Feel the sunshine and the breeze hit your face. Notice how that feels in the moment to connect with the earth and your senses.

2nd Way to Manage Anxiety: Getting Connected with Others Reduce Your Anxiety

Spending time with those people you enjoy can give you that boost and reduce your anxiety levels. When we surround ourselves with others like us, we can be more at ease and present-focused. 

3rd Way to Manage Anxiety: Move Your Body for Anxiety Relief

Ok so if you are not into grooving at least get your body moving. Even engaging in lite exercise can help reduce feelings of anxiety. Moving your body provides a physical outlet for anxiety to release.

4th Way to Manage Anxiety: Having Fun

Doing things you enjoy plays a role in your mental health, especially in reducing anxiety. Return to the things you used to love to do. Have fun or take a chance and discover something you knew you may enjoy.

The kayak tour you’ve thought about for years…do it! 

Join a book club to support your love of reading…go for it! 

Hosting a themed party for your friends…go murder mystery all the way!

If you are interested in learning more about anxiety check out these helpful blogs:

Understanding Your Anxiety and How to Treat it

5 Tips for Choosing the Best Anxiety Therapist in Wilmington, NC

What to Expect When You Start Therapy for Anxiety

Keep reading and check out 5 things to do in Wilmington, NC this summer that include these 4 ways to manage anxiety.

5 Activities to help reduce anxiety in Wilmington, NC

Wilmington, NC offers so much in a smaller city. You have the Cape Fear River to the west and the beaches on the east. And, you may only be 15 to 20 minutes away from either at any time. This can depend on traffic - except Market Street at 5 PM on a weekday, um no thanks!

Water surrounds Wilmington, NC and it is one of the many reasons I love being here. In the summer you have beautiful warm and sunny days. You can go exploring in kayaks and stand-up paddleboards. Nature is all around you and offers some great birdwatching opportunities as well. If you're on the water, don’t be surprised if you see all sorts of wildlife. Everything from dolphins, deer, otter, fish, birds, even a gator or two.

#1: Visit Wilmington, NC Riverwalk, and Historic Downtown Area

Fun fact about Wilmington, NC for those who didn’t know. Wilmington is home to some major television and movie filming productions. 

A shot of a boardwalk along flowing river in Wilmington, NC. Contact Calm Waters Counseling for anxiety therapy in Wilmington, NC, online anxiety therapy in Maryland, and other services. Learn about CBT for anxiety online and more.

Walking around downtown Wilmington, NC you might even recognize some of these places. There are even tours you can take for those of you who are fans of Dawson’s Creek and One Tree Hill (OTH). Ahhh middle school nostalgia. Check out the links below. Most of these stopping points are on Wilmington’s Riverwalk, which was recently named the #2 riverwalk in the country!

Dawson’s Creek Location Tour

One Tree Hill Location Tour

While you’re downtown, you may make time to stop into some of the many museums or catch an evening ghost tour! You and your friends can have a great stroll while learning all about the history and hauntings. Or, check out all the great Guy Fieri approved restaurants!

#2: Visit the Airlie Gardens and Wilmington, NC Arboretum

If you're tired of the downtown scene, check out Airlie Gardens on the other side of town. If you are doing the Dawson’s Creek Tour this is a great spot. The infamous and scandalous Pacey and his teacher scene was filmed here at the fountain. 

Airlie Gardens is filled with beautiful oaks and colorful azaleas in the springtime. Other beautiful flowers also bloom in the summer. Airlie Gardens also hosts summer concerts, early morning bird hikes, and other events.

More information on Airlie Gardens can be found here.

The New Hanover County Arboretum is another great place to get outside, connect with others, and even discover a new hobby. This Wilmington, NC arboretum offers classes, speakers, community events, and classes. This also including yoga in the gardens.

#3: Visit the Wilmington, NC Beaches

Living by the coast has its perks and living by the water is one of them. Water or “blue space” is found to reduce anxiety in a natural way. Take advantage and go for walks on the beach. Or, sit and practice some mindfulness, have fun with friends, and for a swim. Some of the beaches are dog friendly as well so you can bring Fido with you as well.

Here are some of the beaches located near Wilmington, NC:

Wrightsville Beach

Carolina Beach

Kure Beach

Fort Fisher Beach

Masonboro Island

Bald Head Island

Figure Eight Island

Topsail Island

Other beaches located on the North Carolina coast include:

Emerald Isle and the Crystal Coast

Atlantic Beach

The Outer Banks

Which beach is your favorite and what do you enjoy doing when you visit the beach?

#4: Take a Trip to One of the Many Wilmington, NC Walking Trails

There are so many parks, paths, and walking trails in Wilmington, NC. Take advantage and find your favorite. You can choose to make this a solo activity, bring a friend, or get Fido out for some exercise too. 

You can check out a list of parks and trails in New Hanover County including:

Smith Creek Park

Long Leaf Park

Blue Clay Park

Summer Rest Trail

You can check out a full list here.

#5: Attend a Summer Concert in Wilmington, NC

The music scene in Wilmington, NC is a great place to catch bands and solo performers. They can be found at one of the many local breweries, restaurants, and venues. 

Greenfield Lake Amphitheater and the Wilson Center at Cape Fear Community College are two of the larger venues that offer live music. At the end of summer 2021, a brand new waterfront amphitheater will be coming to Wilmington, NC Riverfront Park - Riverfront Park Amphitheater.

Grab some friends, support the arts, and get your body moving and grooving. 

Keep reading to learn more about Calm Waters Counseling and anxiety treatment.

Start Anxiety Treatment in Wilmington, NC at Calm Waters Counseling this Summer

These strategies and activities are great ways to help manage anxiety. But, they don’t replace getting the help needed for anxiety treatment. At Calm Waters Counseling, anxiety treatment includes using Cognitive Behavioral Therapy (CBT), Acceptance and Commitment Therapy (ACT), and mindfulness techniques

To start therapy at Calm Waters Counseling, please follow these simple steps:

Laura Rippeon smiles while posing next to a brick wall. She is an anxiety therapist in Wilmington, NC that offers anxiety therapy, CBT for anxiety online, and other services. Learn more about anxiety therapy in Wilmington, NC today!
  1. Schedule a free 15-minute consultation online by clicking the button below.

  2. Complete the brief questionnaire sent to your email

  3. Start with your Wilmington, NC therapist

  4. Start living your life with less anxiety.

Other Services at Calm Waters Counseling in Wilmington, NC

I am a therapist in Wilmington, NC. I specialize in counseling for women. I provide anxiety treatment, treatment for perfectionism, therapy for imposter syndrome, and burnout counseling

A young woman smiles as she looks at her laptop while sitting at a kitchen counter. This could represent online anxiety therapy in Maryland. Contact an anxiety therapist for more information about anxiety therapy in Wilmington, NC & other servic…

Online Therapy for Anxiety

Online therapy is available to anyone located in Maryland and North Carolina. For more information click the links below.

Online Therapy in Maryland

Online Therapy in North Carolina

If you have been interested in trying online therapy check out these helpful blogs:

Is Online Therapy Right for Me?

Benefits of Using Online Therapy for Anxiety Relief

Does Online Therapy Actually Work?

Click the buttons below for more information about Calm Waters Counseling and getting started in therapy.


Written by: Laura Rippeon, LCSW, LCSW-C

Updated 3/12/23