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Using CBT vs ACT for Anxiety

Picture it. Scilly, 1922…(Golden Girls FTW) 

If you get this, keep reading because you are my kinda person!

Okay, but for real, picture yourself sitting down at your computer and finally deciding you are going to start therapy for your anxiety.

You type into google “anxiety therapist near me” or “therapist near me” and there is so much that shows up. And if you didn’t have any anxiety before you certainly do now with all of these choices.

Does this sound familiar? Maybe this has happened to you and possibly even how you found yourself here at this exact moment.


Looking for a therapist online is overwhelming and exhausting. There are many important things to think about when searching for an anxiety therapist and one of them is knowing what therapy models they use for treatment and what you feel would be best to help anxiety.

The purpose of this 3 part blog series is to introduce you to two different anxiety therapy styles - Cognitive Behavioral Therapy (CBT) and Acceptance and Commitment Therapy (ACT) and how each can be helpful for anxiety.

I am an online anxiety therapist in Wilmington, NC and specialize in women’s therapy to clients living in North Carolina and Maryland. I provide anxiety treatment, burnout counseling, therapy for imposter syndrome, and treatment for perfectionism.

I use Acceptance and Commitment Therapy for anxiety in my practice.

If you are ready to begin cognitive behavioral therapy or acceptance and commitment therapy for anxiety, click the button below and online schedule your free 15 minute consultation.

Keep reading to learn about CBT and ACT therapy for anxiety.

CBT for Anxiety

CBT has been around for quite a while and is probably the most widely known and practiced therapy treatment model. 


Cognitive behavioral therapy aims to challenge and restructure thoughts and thought patterns.

CBT is based off the belief that one’s thoughts cause emotional destress and problem behaviors.

These thoughts can be long time core beliefs that distort perceptions.

Relaxation and problem solving skills are also taught and practiced in cognitive behavioral therapy. 

CBT is goal oriented and an active therapy approach. This means there is homework given in-between sessions and strict CBT therapy protocol often lasts for a set number of sessions. 

CBT can be used for anxiety disorders including Generalized Anxiety Disorder, Social Anxiety, OCD, and Phobias. 

Check out part 2 of this 3 part blog series on CBT vs ACT - Can CBT Help Treat My Anxiety

To get a more in-depth look at CBT you can also read this helpful blog post - What is CBT Therapy?


Acceptance and commitment therapy promotes psychological flexibility as the main goal of treatment.

ACT is a mindfulness therapy and seen as a “third wave” or “new wave” treatment model.

While ACT is a newer therapy it is evidenced based and an effective form of treatment.

The goal of ACT is to build flexibility and not judge thoughts and feelings as “bad or good” but rather allowing for thoughts and feelings to be and learning to live with rather than against.

In addition to working to defuse from thoughts, mindfulness, values, relaxation skills, and goal setting for committed change in behaviors is important. 

Check out part 3 of this 3 part blog series on CBT vs ACT - Is Acceptance and Commitment Therapy for Anxiety Helpful?

Learn more about ACT and how it can be a helpful treatment modality for more than anxiety.

Start Anxiety Therapy in Wilmington, NC at Calm Waters Counseling

Both CBT and ACT are helpful therapy models for anxiety treatment and when choosing between them it may come down to which therapy model you connect with more. 

To begin CBT or ACT for anxiety at Calm Waters Counseling, follow these 4 simple steps:


Click the button below to online schedule your free 15 minute consultation

Complete the brief questionnaire sent to your email prior to consultation

Meet with your anxiety therapist

Start living your life with less anxiety

For additional information on beginning anxiety treatment, check out these helpful blog posts:

Starting Anxiety Therapy - How to Get Started and What to Expect

5 Tips for Choosing the Best Anxiety Therapist

Other Therapy Services at Calm Waters Counseling

In addition to anxiety treatment, I also specialize in counseling for women and provide burnout counseling, treatment for perfectionism, and therapy for imposter syndrome.

For more information on each of these specialties, click the links below.

What is Perfectionism?

Imposter Syndrome and feeling like a fraud

Stress at work is causing Burnout

Online Therapy for Anxiety in North Carolina


Online Anxiety Therapy in Maryland


I’m an online therapist in North Carolina and an online therapist in Maryland. Providing online therapy for anxiety can easily be done and is just as effective as in-person anxiety therapy. 

And just like in-person therapy you can use ACT for online anxiety treatment and CBT for online anxiety therapy

Online therapy for anxiety takes place on a virtual HIPAA compliant platform where the anxiety therapist and client can both see and hear each other. 

To learn more about online therapy in each of these states, click the link below.

Online Therapy for Anxiety in North Carolina

Online Anxiety Therapy in Maryland

If you have been debating trying online therapy and want additional information, check out these helpful blog posts:

Benefits of Using Online Therapy for Anxiety Relief

Does Online Therapy Actually Work?

Is Online Therapy Right for Me?

Still have questions? Click the buttons below to learn more about services at Calm Waters Counseling.


Written by: Laura Rippeon, LCSW, LCSW-C

Updated 3/12/23