Using Online Therapy for Burnout Counseling

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High Achievers and Entrepreneurs Can Benefit from Online Burnout Counseling

The alarm goes off for the third time. The last time. At this point, you have hit the snooze button one time too many times knowing the consequences that await you. 

I mean why rush into the office anyway? All you and your coworkers do is have similar conversations and talk about how the place has "gone downhill.” Everyone is feeling too. 

woman in bed with her face covered up by a pillow | feeling exhausted | experiencing burnout | therapist near me | Therapist Wilmington NC

This doesn’t matter though because you are completely worn out and dreading going to work.

Stopping at your favorite cafe on the drive in and not even the best cup of coffee from your favorite place could make it worth it, although it sure is amazing. 

Chances are you are headed for burnout if you are not already there. You know you need to talk to someone because you feel stuck on what to do, but the thought of going to therapy and adding one more thing to your plate at the end of the day when you are already tired as it is just isn’t appealing.

Thankfully, now there are options for your therapy appointments. 

In this blog, we are going to explore the three biggest reasons using online therapy for burnout is helpful.

I am an online therapist for burnout in Wilmington, NC, and provide burnout counseling for high-achieving women experiencing stress and anxiety. In addition to addressing issues related to burnout, I also help high achievers work through anxiety and perfectionism.

I provide online therapy in North Carolina and Maryland.

Start acceptance and commitment therapy with me today. Click the button below and reserve your free 15-minute consultation.

Keep reading to find out the 3 biggest reasons online therapy is helpful for burnout. 

3 Reasons Using Online Therapy for Burnout is Helpful?

Online therapy has been around for a few years and continues gaining traction. It was an option pre-covid but most folks either didn’t know about it or didn’t want to try it. Online therapy is pretty much the norm now and a standard way of delivering therapy services. 

Continue reading to learn the 3 biggest reasons online therapy remains a consistent option for burnout treatment. 

Reason #1 for Online Burnout Counseling: Flexibility

Hands down this are one of the best parts about using online therapy, is the flexibility.

 You can keep your appointments and go on vacation, take your child to soccer practice, or change from an in-person appointment to an online appointment in a quick second.

Reason #2 for Online Burnout Counseling: Effectiveness

black woman working from home on laptop | online therapy for burnout | burnout counseling Wilmington NC

I have been using online therapy as a tool to service my clients since 2019 (pre-pandemic shutdown) and over the years have seen a lot of success.

Using online therapy platforms you are able to provide the same interventions. Sometimes these interventions are much more effective because you are in your own space where you may feel more relaxed and comfortable or you can implement something in the very moment we talk about it instead of doing so once you leave the therapy office and get home or to work. 

Reason #3 for Online Burnout Counseling: Convenience

Online burnout counseling is all about convenience. Make your appointments work for you and how you structure your day. 

It no longer becomes rushing around, changing the schedule up, or adding on to the end of your already long day. Your online burnout counseling appointments can now happen from the comfort of your own space.

Lives are changing and jobs are changing. No longer do you have to go sit in a cubicle all day long in a big building or open floor plan. The work from home life can make taking care of your needs a lot easier to maintain.

Begin Burnout Counseling in Wilmington, NC at Calm Waters Counseling

Exhaustion, dread, and negative thoughts are just a few of the signs of burnout. Starting therapy can help you to overcome burnout. 

Check out this blog post to learn how ACT therapy is helpful for burnout treatment.

woman standing in doorway | ACT therapist | therapist in Wilmington NC | therapist near me | therapist for burnout

Learn more about ACT and how it can be helpful for you.

Get started in therapy at Calm Waters Counseling by following these 4 simple steps:

  1. Click the button below to schedule your free 15-minute consultation

  2. Complete the brief questionnaire sent to your email before the consultation

  3. Meet with your ACT therapist

  4. Start living your life with more enjoyment


Burnout Counseling for High Achievers in Wilmington, NC at Calm Waters Counseling 

High achievers can be prone to burnout and you may not even recognize the stage of burnout. Working hard and meeting your goals is no short of amazing and when you operate at such a high level for so long it makes sense how burnout can happen.

Acceptance and Commitment Therapy works well for high achievers experiencing burnout.

Check out all services at Calm Waters Counseling, listed below:

Anxiety therapy in Wilmington, NC

Treatment for Perfectionism in Maryland

Burnout Counseling in Wilmington, NC

Therapy for Imposter Syndrome in Wilmington, NC


Online Acceptance and Commitment Therapy for Burnout in North Carolina

Online Acceptance and Commitment Therapy continues to be an effective form of treatment delivery to address burnout. 

Click the links below to learn about online therapy where you live.

online burnout therapy in North Carolina

online burnout treatment in Maryland


Still, have questions? Click the buttons below to learn more!


Written by: Laura Rippeon, LCSW, LCSW-C

Updated 3/18/23