Online Therapy for Stress and Overwhelm in Maryland and North Carolina

Helping Busy Professional Women be More Present In Their Lives and Reconnect to the Things That Matter Most


You’re tired of the stress and overwhelm…

It’s exhausting trying to do everything for everyone. Trying to appear as together as everyone else seems. The hamster wheel just never seems to stop and you’re terrified that you’re going to fall any day now and everyone will find out that you don’t have your stuff together.

Black woman with her eyes closed and hands on her face sitting in front of her open laptop | Black woman feeling stressed out and overwhelmed | Woman feeling exhausted from stress

Right now….

  • You’re at a time and place where being all the things and showing up for everyone and everything else seems even more necessary than it ever has. And at the same time, you’ve stopped showing up for yourself.

  • Even more than usual, you’re living your life burning the candle at both ends…and it certainly isn’t getting you closer to the things that matter the most to you.

  • You’re wondering how it seems like everyone else has their stuff together (thanks to Instagram and Facebook) when you don’t even know where to begin, what to do, or even who you are.

There is a tiny voice inside that says maybe this isn’t possible, maybe you can’t actually have it all.

You want to be able to care for yourself and fill all your roles in a way that you can feel good about…you would love to just be able to relax for once.

Ready to get there?

Therapy at Calm Waters Counseling helps give stressed-out busy professional women the tools and support to finally overcome stress, reduce symptoms of burnout, and start prioritizing the things that matter most while creating the work-life harmony you desperately crave.

You need someone on your side who understands what it looks and feels like when your to-do list has a to-do list and why you struggle to pour energy into yourself.

About Your Therapist for Stress and Overwhelm



I’m Laura,

I help women like you pause, recenter, and engage in a life that is meaningful and that matters to them, because overextending yourself and showing up for everyone and everything else but yourself just isn’t cutting it any longer. 

The problem is, many women fall into this trap because we believe we have to be all the things, do all the things, and have them be perfect – meaning if we don’t meet those requirements we aren’t enough.

I help stressed-out and busy professional women…

  • Develop confidence in their abilities to manage their stress and overwhelm

  • Create skills to add to their self-care toolbox

  • Explore healthy boundaries and put them into action

  • Define the values they want to center their life around

  • Engage in the life they desire

We can get you to a place where you feel like you can have some balance in your life and you don’t always have to be everything to everyone.

Learn more about me

How to Start Therapy at Calm Waters Counseling

Start getting your stress and overwhelm under control, prioritizing the things that matter most to you, and creating the work-life harmony you desire – in 3 simple steps.

1| Book a Consultation - Schedule your complimentary 15-minute phone consultation with me on a day and time of your choosing.

2| Complete the Questionnaire - After booking your consultation, you will receive an email to complete a brief questionnaire. This helps me to get a better understanding of who you are, what you are looking to get out of your therapy experience, and your preferred availability.

3| The Phone Call - Once the questionnaire is completed and returned, I will call you for our personal meet and greet where we will review some of the things discussed in your questionnaire, go over specifics, and set up your first appointment.


Our Locations

Currently, Calm Waters Counseling is only offering virtual therapy in Maryland and North Carolina.

woman with computer and dog laying next to her

Online Therapy in Maryland

Whether you are in Fredrick, Gaithersburg, Germantown, Potomac, or Columbia - Online Therapy in Maryland with Calm Waters Counseling is for you.

Online Therapy in North Carolina

Whether you are in Wilmington, Raleigh, Charlotte, or Asheville - Online Therapy in North Carolina with Calm Waters Counseling is for you.

At Calm Waters Counseling We Provide Therapy For:

Therapy for Stress and Overwhelm

You have so many plates in the air you can never slow down. The idea of being more present in your life just adds more guilt and you don’t know how to be more present in your life and still get everything done.

Women’s Therapy

You have so many roles you don’t know who you actually are anymore. You don’t even know how to get back to yourself again.

Burnout Counseling

You’ve put others first for so long, and you stopped taking care of yourself forever ago. At this point, you are so exhausted and you just don’t know how to keep moving forward.  Something has to change. 

Therapy for High Achievers

You don’t know how to do anything halfway. Because of this, you have been really successful. But the cost to your personal life and mental health has been high…

Therapy for Entrepreneurs

Feeling overwhelmed by the demands of entrepreneurship? Don't let burnout overpower you! Discover effective ways to seek the assistance you require and restore equilibrium, beginning now.

Treatment for Anxiety

Even when your body slows down your brain just keeps going.  Even in the middle of the night, it’s going through your to-do list of to-do lists. How do you find some rest?

Perfectionism Treatment

The pressure you put on yourself is huge. You aren’t able to stop until everything is just right.  But nothing is ever perfect and so nothing ever feels good enough. So you never feel good enough. How do you learn to let go?

Therapy for Imposter Syndrome 

You play the role of someone who has it all together really well but inside there is this constant fear that someone will find out it isn’t really true.  How do you give yourself credit for who you really are?

Ready to Get Started with Counseling?

Calm Waters Counseling Blog

Check out some of the most recent blog posts below or visit the blog for more posts on anxiety, perfectionism, burnout, imposter syndrome, and other mental health topics.

Have More Questions?

Click the buttons below to learn more information about how to get started in the therapy process, what insurance I accept, how long does therapy last, and where I am located.