Online Cognitive Behavioral Therapy for Anxiety

Using Online CBT for Anxiety Therapy

Generalized anxiety disorder is one of the most common mental health diagnoses with women.  The high-achieving woman often experiences a lot of anxiety because she has so much going on in her personal and professional world. Not to mention women often are the ones to carry the mental load in the family. Keeping track of dates, grocery lists, and those ongoing to-do lists around the home can be overwhelming. These anxious thoughts and feelings often feel so unmanageable. 

Cognitive behavioral therapy is helpful to address thoughts and impact on feelings and behaviors. Anxious thoughts have the ability to throw you off your game and leave you feeling stuck. Luckily, there are specific anxiety treatments available to help manage when these thoughts are showing up. 

Therapy appointments no longer have to happen in your anxiety therapist office. You can now meet with your online therapist for your anxiety therapy appointment from the comfort of your own space - home, office, or car. Using online therapy, you can take the kiddo to soccer practice, have your therapy session, and still make sure you are a priority too. 

In this blog, Iā€™m going to share with you how CBT in online anxiety therapy.

I am an online therapist in North Carolina and specialize in being a therapist for women. I provide anxiety treatment, treatment for perfectionism, therapy for imposter syndrome and burnout counseling. I provide online therapy in Maryland and North Carolina

Ready to start cognitive behavioral therapy online with me? Click the button below to schedule your free 15 minute consultation on the date and time of your choice.

Keep reading to learn about cognitive behavioral therapy online for anxiety.

5 Ways CBT for Anxiety is Used in Online Therapy

#1 Learning About Anxiety

During online anxiety therapy sessions using CBT framework, it is important to be able to understand how anxiety works and learn about anxiety symptoms. This information is useful to both the anxiety therapist and client going forward in anxiety treatment. The online therapist can provide handouts and other education tools to help with this process.

#2 Anxious Thoughts

Cognitive behavioral therapy all comes back to addressing those anxious thoughts and learning how thoughts influence feelings and behaviors. During online therapy sessions, cbt therapist and client begin to identify unhelpful patterns in your thinking.

#3 Learning Skills

This is one of my favorites! Teaching skills is so important and spending time beefing up your skills toolbox is key. During the online therapy appointments, the online therapist and client can engage in all types of skill building. Sometimes this looks like engaging in a mindfulness exercise or meditation. Additional skill building can include communication skills, relaxation skills, and problem solving skills. 

#4 Challenging Unhelpful Core Beliefs 

Core beliefs are how you view, filter, and interpret your world. This includes self, others, and the world around you. Sometimes these core beliefs can be really unhealthy and unhelpful causing ongoing challenges in your life. CBT helps to identify core beliefs, break them down, and restructure them.

#5 Homework

Homework and out of session practice is vital in cognitive behavioral therapy. As an online anxiety therapist, I provide handouts, YouTube clips, and in session practice examples that clients can then use outside of session. A plan is developed between the client and CBT therapist for what the practice looks like.

Start Online Cognitive Behavioral Therapy for Anxiety in Wilmington, NC

Anxiety can cause a lot of disruption in your life. It is good to know there are specific types of therapy for reducing anxiety and beginning to live a healthier life. CBT is helpful for anxiety and there is often a lot of success with CBT. 

You can get started in CBT at Calm Waters Counseling by following these 4 simple steps:

  1. Click the button below to schedule your free 15 minute consultation

  2. Complete the brief questionnaire sent to your email before the consultation

  3. Meet with your online anxiety therapist

  4. Start living your life more calm and less anxiety

Online therapy for high achievers in Wilmington, NC

Learn more about me and my Wilmington, NC online counseling practice. In addition to providing therapy for women with anxiety, I also specialize in overcoming perfectionism, imposter syndrome, and recovering from burnout


Online Therapy for Anxiety in North Carolina

There are a lot of benefits to using online therapy for anxiety and using the cognitive behavioral therapy model is no exception. For more information on using online anxiety therapy in Maryland and North Carolina, click the links below.

Cognitive behavioral therapy online in North Carolina

CBT for anxiety online in Maryland

For even more information about online therapy, check out these other helpful blogs about online therapy:

Is Online Therapy Right for Me?

Does Online Therapy Actually Work?

Benefits of Using Online Therapy for Anxiety Relief


Still have questions? Click the buttons to learn more!


Written by: Laura Rippeon, LCSW, LCSW-C

Updated 3/15/23