How to Recover From Burnout

Overcome Burnout with these 5 Helpful Tips to Help You Move Forward

bored at work | feeling burnout | successful woman and burnout | bored professional woman

It has been awhile since you felt some kind of happiness or excitement in your job. You may not even remember when the last time it was that you actually wanted to be there and lately it just feels repetitive.

When you enter this stage of burnout or chronic burnout it becomes really difficult to identify a way to get out of it. You recognize you’re not happy and burnout has taken over but you don’t know what to do next.

Instead of giving your best each day, now you probably spend more time wishing you could get away, up and quit, and just leave it all behind.

As much as you’ve thought about it, these ideas may not be the answer either. 

In this blog, I’m going to share ways to recover from experiencing burnout.

I am a therapist in Wilmington, NC and specialize in burnout counseling for women. I provide anxiety treatment, treatment for perfectionism, therapy for imposter syndrome.

I provide online burnout counseling to high achievers in North Carolina and Maryland.

Ready to start therapy with me? Click the button below to schedule your free 15 minute consultation on the date and time of your choice.

Keep reading to learn more about steps you can take to overcome burnout.

5 Ways to Overcome Burnout

Just as getting to the point of burnout didn’t happen overnight, neither will coming up out of that space. However, listed below are 5 helpful tips you can use to recover and overcome burnout. 

If you find yourself struggling with burnout or are worried you may be getting close to burnout, check out the tips below and find one that you can start taking action on now.

Tip #1 to Overcome Burnout: Make Some Lifestyle Changes

Take inventory of what is going on in your life. Maybe there are some big things happening currently or recently causing some stress. Or maybe you have found yourself in a pattern of going to bed later or having a few extra drinks throughout the week to help after a long day.

If you take a step back do you recognize if there are any small changes that could be made and what is within your control?

Action Step: Think back to when the last time you felt happy, excited, rested, joyful, etc. What was going on at that time that contributed? If you can figure out some of these things out you may be able to recreate and get back into helpful routines or simply take better care of yourself.

Tip #2 to Overcome Burnout: Reconnect with Your Values

Values are so important to recognize and learn about for yourself. Doing values work in acceptance and commitment therapy for burnout is essential too. 

Similarly to tip #1, once you can identify your values and reconnect with those that are important to you, it allows for you to make choices and take action towards living a rich and meaningful life. 

Tip #3 to Overcome Burnout: Assess Your Needs

Your needs may change over time and if your job as a whole or parts of your job are no longer working for you, than it may be time to change some things up. 

Sometimes this may mean developing stronger boundaries to put in place. 

For example, blocking off a dedicated lunch break each day, having a hard start and stop time to your work day, or creating a dedicated space for work only.

Lack of creativity, learning, and contribution, can also be contributing to burnout. Being able to find a way to incorporate these things into your personal life rather than your professional life can help fulfill what is missing. 

Tip #4 to Overcome Burnout: Take Time Off

I remember the days when I would hoard time off. My thinking lead me to “well what if…” and I managed to save up weeks of PTO. I’m also one to never really get sick so that added to my accrued time as well. 

Growing up unless a fever or stomach bug had you down, you were going to school or work. 

As I got older that mentality stuck, leading to all these hours of PTO never used. And what also happened was that I would burn out because I never gave myself a break.

I say all this because taking the time off is important. Giving yourself these breaks along the way before burnout happens is necessary to take good care of yourself. 

So if you have the time, take the time.

Tip #5 to Overcome Burnout: Boost Your Self-Compassion

It’s so easy for the negative, unhelpful, self-defeating thoughts to kick in and truly believe these things about ourselves when we are in a place that doesn’t feel good. 

In reality, allowing ourselves to continue down those rabbit holes and get hooked by these negative and unkind thoughts doesn’t help us to move from the space we are. Really they only keep us stuck. 

However, self-compassion and self-kindness can go a long way if we allow for space. Bringing in grace and treating self kindly. With understanding and acceptance, it can allow you to take better care of self and move through the thoughts and feelings that are showing up.

Start Work Burnout Counseling in Wilmington, NC

Burnout is real and if can take a toll on your physical health and mental health. If you start recognize the signs of burnout, understand there is counseling for burnout available at Calm Waters Counseling. 

At Calm Waters Counseling, I use acceptance and commitment therapy for burnout counseling

You can get started in burnout counseling at Calm Waters Counseling by following these 4 simple steps:

  1. Click the button below to schedule your free 15 minute consultation

  2. Complete the brief questionnaire sent to your email before the consultation

  3. Meet with your caring therapist

  4. Start living your life enjoying the things the matter most to you

Therapy for high achievers in wilmington, nC

Learn more about me and my Wilmington, NC online therapy practice. 

In addition to providing burnout counseling, I also specialize in working with high achieving women experiencing anxiety, perfectionism, and imposter syndrome. 

Online Burnout Therapy in North Carolina 

Online therapy is here to stay and so many clients see a lot of benefits of using online therapy.

Using online therapy for preventing burnout and recovering from burnout is a very helpful. Clients are able to have therapy sessions fit more around their schedule than in the past because of the flexibility it offers. 

To learn more about online therapy for burnout in your state click the link below.

Online burnout therapy in North Carolina

Online burnout treatment in Maryland

Check out these blog posts to learn more about using online therapy and how online therapy is helpful.

Does Online Therapy Actually Work?

Is Online Therapy for Me?


Still have questions? Click the buttons below to get some answers.


Written by: Laura Rippeon, LCSW, LCSW-C

Updated 3/15/23