How To Manage Holiday Stress And Anxiety

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Holidays are Stressful and it is Normal to Experience an Increase in Stress and Anxiety

As the fall season enters, so does the big push towards the holiday season and into the new year. You know those craft stores start getting the holiday decorations out so early, such pressure.


The holidays are easily one of the most stressful and anxiety producing times of the year. Family gatherings, work events, and reflecting on the past year can bring up so many feelings.

Overwhelm, joy, stress, happiness, and anxiety are just to name a few. I mean really, how many times have you felt the ping of dread having to spend extra time attending that holiday office party (cringe). What about exhausting yourself shuffling around to all the different households for holiday celebrations to make everyone happy.

It can all just be too much.

As much as I enjoy the holidays, I know it can also be overwhelming. So I thought it would be helpful to pass on some great tips to manage your stress and anxiety while going through the holidays.

I am an anxiety therapist in Wilmington, NC and specialize in providing therapy for women in Wilmington, NC. I also provide treatment for perfectionism, therapy for imposter syndrome, and burnout counseling.

I offer online anxiety treatment for high achievers and entrepreneur women in North Carolina and Maryland.

Ready to start preparing yourself for the holidays and begin anxiety therapy? Click the button below to online schedule your free 15 minute consultation on the date and time of your choice.

Keep reading to discover my top 5 ways to manage stress and anxiety during the holiday season.

5 Ways to Manage Stress and Anxiety During the Holidays

Tip #1 to Manage Holiday Stress and Anxiety: Set Limits

Boundary setting is one of the top topics I talk with clients about in therapy all the time. There are many different ways to set boundaries as well. Boundaries also don’t have to be extreme and rigid either. 

Check out some of these examples of ways you can set boundaries during the holiday

Time: Don’t really enjoy mingling with coworkers at the holiday party? Set a time boundary that you will allow X amount of time or you will leave at X time.

 Financial: I admit, I LOVE giving gifts! However, finances and money can bring up a lot of stress and anxiety, especially when there is overspending happening. If you exchange gifts with friends maybe think about drawing names and capping at an amount where you are comfortable. Another example, if you are hosting a family gathering make it potluck rather than you spending all the money on groceries and cooking.

Prioritize: Events, obligations, and tasks, etc. There is so much going on during the holiday season and you don’t have to do all the things. Trying to fit it all in only creates more stress.

Tip #2 to Manage Holiday Stress and Anxiety: Take a Break

If you do find yourself becoming overwhelmed, it is okay to step away and physically remove yourself from your environment. This is a great tip to put into place even if you don’t find yourself caught up in stress and anxiety. 

Try this: Step outside for a moment and take in a few deep breaths and pause to notice what you see, hear, and smell. Allow yourself to really be mindful and in the moment. Pairing this with some breathing can be an instant stress reliever. 

Tip #3 to Manage Holiday Stress and Anxiety: Do More of Your Favorites

Like to cook or bake? Play with the kiddos? Decorate? 

What do you like most when it comes to the holiday season? 

If you engage in the activities you enjoy doing, this will naturally help to lower your stress and anxiety levels. 

Tip #4 to Manage Holiday Stress and Anxiety: Watch Your Thinking

Family gatherings are known for bringing up the stuff we often have no interest in discussing. It can also be really easy to get caught up in comparison mode with other relatives. 

Pay attention to your thoughts and notice what is happening. The negative thoughts, comparisons, and self-doubt can take you down the rabbit hole. Try reframing thoughts or being curious about the thought allowing them to just be rather than becoming hooked by them.

So the next time Great Aunt Edna starts asking the questions you don’t want to talk about, it’s okay to set the boundary and not to engage. I encourage you to circle back around to tips 1, 2, and 3.

Tip #5 to Manage Holiday Stress and Anxiety: Take Care of You

The holidays are exhausting in general, so whether you enjoy them or not make sure to schedule some time for yourself in between the holiday events. If it becomes difficult to plan for some self-care, check out these quick and simple self-care tips.

Start Anxiety Counseling in Wilmington, NC

The holidays can both be a really wonderful time and a stressful time. Being able to manage the stress and anxiety through the holiday season is important. The tips provided in this blog post are only a handful of helpful strategies.

Acceptance and commitment therapy (ACT) is the main anxiety treatment modality used at Calm Waters Counseling. Learn more about ACT for anxiety therapy and how it can be helpful for you.

For more support and to begin anxiety therapy at Calm Waters Counseling you can follow these 4 simple steps:

  1. Click the button below to online schedule your free 15 minute consultation

  2. Complete the brief questionnaire sent to your email before the consultation 

  3. Meet with your anxiety therapist

  4. Enjoy your holiday season with less stress and anxiety


Other Services Offered at Calm Waters Counseling

In addition to providing therapy for anxiety, I specialize in working with the high achieving and often busy woman, working to overcome perfection, overcome imposter syndrome, and feelings of burnout.

Learn more about me and my Wilmington, NC online counseling practice!


Online Therapy for Anxiety in North Carolina

Online anxiety therapy has a lot of benefits and can be a helpful service in addition to in-person therapy appointments or in place of in-person therapy appointment. Online Acceptance and Commitment Therapy is effective and offers flexibility and convenience.


Click the links below to learn about online therapy at Calm Waters Counseling where you live.

Online therapy for anxiety in North Carolina

Online Anxiety Therapy in Maryland 

Check out these helpful blog posts on online therapy to learn more:

Is Online Therapy Right for Me?

Benefits of Using Online Therapy for Anxiety Relief

Does Online Therapy Actually Work?

Still have questions?

Click the buttons below to learn more.


Written by: Laura Rippeon, LCSW, LCSW-C

Updated 3/15/23