What Are the Stages of Burnout?

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Recognize the 5 Stages of Work Burnout

2020 and 2021 sure have taught us a lot and burnout levels are at an all time high.

Dreading going into work and feeling overwhelmed and exhausted is normal when experiencing burnout. Burnout can even occur when you have work from home capabilities. 


It is easy to think at first it will get better on its own…

So you wait it out and sometimes it does and other times it doesn’t. You start recognizing there is very little that excites you or makes you happy with your job any longer.

While burnout may feel like it comes on suddenly, chances are it has been gradually building over time. Once you become aware of the signs and symptoms of burnout, it is likely you may be in the later stages of burnout. 

In this blog, I’m going to tell you about the 5 stages of burnout so you can identify where you are in the burnout cycle so you can start to action for burnout recovery.

I am a therapist in Wilmington, NC offer burnout counseling in Wilmington, NC. I specialize in women’s therapy for anxiety and treatment for perfectionism.

I provide online burnout counseling to high achieving and entrepreneurial women in North Carolina and Maryland.

If you recognize you have been experiencing work burnout and you are ready to start therapy, click the button below to online schedule your free 15 minute consultation.

Keep reading to learn about the 5 stages of burnout.

5 Stages of Burnout

Being able to identify what stage of burnout you are experiencing can be difficult. Breaking down the 5 stages of work burnout can be helpful for you to recognize and assess for support. Check out the five stages of burnout below.

First Stage of Burnout - The Honeymoon Phase

You are likely to experience this phase when you start a new job or project. You feel excited with a new beginning and have a lot more energy, motivation, and creativity flowing. 

Stress at this phase is common and normal because of newness and the stress may not be overwhelming. 

This is all very normal and it is really easy to get caught up in the excitement. It is also really important during this phase to remember to set yourself up for success for when things become more stressful.

For example, starting implementing healthy boundaries now to help create a more even work life balance

Second Stage of Burnout - The Stress Phase

In this next stage, you may start to experience stress more frequently and you are also becoming aware that some work days are harder than others.

You may not feel as excited or optimistic about your work or job. Common stress symptoms are becoming more present and may include:

  • Changes in Appetite or Diet

  • Changes in Sleep

  • Anxiety

  • Irritability

  • Difficulty Focusing

  • Job Dissatisfaction

  • Headaches

  • Fatigue/Exhaustion

Third Stage of Burnout - The Chronic Stress Phase

This stage is similar to the previous stage except stress levels are more consistent and persistent. Some of the stress symptoms listed above become more intense and frequent.

Additional stress symptoms you may experience in the chronic stress phase include:

  • Poor Motivation

  • Disruption Taking Care of Personal Needs

  • Feeling Resentful

  • Procrastinating on Deadlines and Assignments

  • Social Isolation 

  • Cynical Attitude

  • Lack of interest, enthusiasm, or concern

Fourth Stage of Burnout - The Burnout Phase

It is at this stage when I typically see clients starting therapy for burnout and what is most often thought of when referring to feeling burnout.

Most of the symptoms listed above are more severe and consistent in this phase. Additional symptoms in the burnout phase include:

  • Escapist Mentality

  • Pessimistic Outlook on Work and Life

  • Chronic GI Issues

  • Increase in Self-Doubt

  • Chronic Fatigue/Exhaustion

  • Neglecting Self - Physically, Emotionally, Mentally

  • Feeling Empty

  • Ruminating on Work Problems

Fifth Stage of Burnout - The Habitual Burnout Phase

In this stage, burnout has taken over and is persistent rather than occasionally experiencing periods of chronic stress and burnout. Most likely it has lead to feelings of sadness, depression, and possible health concerns.

Begin Burnout Counseling in Wilmington, NC at Calm Waters Counseling

Work burnout out can leave you questioning if you should continue at your job or even in your career. It’s hard to recognize burnout when it is happening.

Learning about the stages of burnout can be helpful to identify where you are in the cycle of burnout and how you can start to take action to improve your life. 

Read more about using Acceptance and Commitment Therapy for burnout is helpful.

If you are struggling with experiencing burnout and want support, you can follow these 4 simple steps to get started in therapy at Calm Waters Counseling:

  1. Click the button below to online schedule your free 15 minute consultation

  2. Complete the brief questionnaire sent to your email before the consultation

  3. Meet with your new therapist

  4. Begin feeling happier and more in control of your life


Other Counseling for Women Services Offered at Calm Waters Counseling

In addition to providing burnout counseling for women, I also work with women experiencing anxiety, perfectionism, and imposter syndrome. 

Learn more about me and my other therapy services offered by clicking the links below.

Anxiety Treatment in Wilmington, NC

Therapy for high achievers in Wilmington, NC

Treatment for Perfectionism in Maryland

Therapy for Imposter Syndrome in Wilmington, NC


Online Burnout Treatment in North Carolina

Online burnout therapy is helpful and beneficial for high achievers and entrepreneurs. It is an essential service I offer to my clients. There are a lot of benefits to using online therapy including flexibility, effectiveness, and convenience. 


Click the link below to read more about online therapy services in your area.

Online Burnout Therapy in North Carolina

Online Burnout Treatment in Maryland

To learn more information about online therapy, check out these helpful blog posts:

 Does Online Therapy Actually Work?

Is Online Therapy Right for Me?

Still have questions?

Click the buttons below to find some answers.


Written by: Laura Rippeon, LCSW, LCSW-C

Updated 3/15/23