Does Online Therapy Actually Work?

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What Works Better Online Therapy or In-Person Therapy?

Pandemic life is shifting and that means society, routines, habits, etc. is shifting again as well. Businesses must do the same too and the healthcare industry is no stranger to this. Constant adapting, changing, and evolving is key to be able to provide the best care to clients and patients. 

Now that things are opening back up this gives clients more of an option of how they would like their therapy - online therapy or in-person therapy.

So I am curious…are you team online therapy appointments or are you team in-person therapy appointments? Maybe you are a mixture of both and that’s cool too - I know I am! 

There are a lot of perks of online therapy including accessibility and flexibility. You can read more of the pros and cons of online therapy in these other blog topics I have covered - Is Online Therapy Right for Me? & Benefits of Using Online Therapy for Anxiety Relief

I am a therapist in Wilmington, NC. I provide online counseling for women and specialize in providing anxiety treatment for perfectionism, imposter syndrome, and burnout. I am licensed to provide therapy in North Carolina and Maryland and have been providing online therapy in both states since before COVID-19 pandemic.

Keep reading to find out my reasons for continuing to provide online therapy as an option and the reasons I know online therapy works.

Click the button below to schedule a free 15 minute consultation with me and get started in therapy.

5 Reasons Online Therapy Actually Works

Reason #1 Online Therapy Works: I’ve witnessed the success

I’ve had clients begin online therapy before and during the pandemic and complete therapy using an online platform. I’ve been offering online therapy as a service long before the pandemic even started. Clients have reported decrease in anxiety symptoms, being more present in their life, and improvements in relationships with self and with others. 

The relationship I establish with my clients, how I provide therapy, and the treatment models I use do not change whether we are physically sitting across from each other or seeing each other virtually on a computer screen.

Reason #2 Online Therapy Works: Insurance Companies are getting on board

Insurance companies are now starting to add online therapy as covered benefits. They recognize their members see positive outcomes and more open to engage in therapy if it is more accessible. Some insurance companies are now even requiring the use of their own platform for sessions to take place. 

Reason #3 Online Therapy Works: Major companies are being designed just for online therapy

Companies such as Talkspace and BetterHelp are getting into the business of solely providing online therapy or virtual therapy. 

Reason #4 Online Therapy Works: Research has been done

If you type into google “research for online therapy” you will find research and journal articles from health institutions, universities, and other known institutions. While online therapy is still relatively new and recent studies and evaluations are constantly happening and showing positive results. 

Reason #5 Online Therapy Works: Openness from clients

Earlier I stated two of the key perks for online therapy has been accessibility and flexibility. Both of these have been integral for clients. On the positive side they allow for client’s to be in an environment that suits them and can be more comfortable for them. I have found that often this in turn allows clients to be more open to the therapy process and have greater success in treatment.

Online Anxiety Therapy in Maryland

I provide online therapy to anyone living in Maryland. I am from Frederick, MD and I am familiar with the surrounding counties and the DMV. In 2019, I moved to Wilmington, NC but I still hold my license to practice in the state of Maryland. 


I work with anxious women and specialize in anxiety treatment, therapy for imposter syndrome, treatment for perfectionism, and burnout counseling

If you are interested in exploring further, click the link below.

Online Therapy in Maryland

Interested in starting therapy with me? Follow the steps below and click the button to book your free 15 minute online consultation.


Online Anxiety Therapy in North Carolina


My Wilmington, NC online counseling practice. This has been a great option for those living in the Raleigh-Durham area, Charlotte area, and Fayetteville looking for therapy options. 

I enjoy providing therapy to stressed out and anxious women. I specialize in topics such as perfectionism, burnout, anxiety, and imposter syndrome

If you are interested in learning more about online therapy in North Carolina, click the link below.

Online Therapy in North Carolina

To start therapy with me follow the simple steps below to schedule a free 15 minute online consultation with me.

Get Started in Online Acceptance and Commitment Therapy for Anxiety in North Carolina

Online therapy is a great option for many reasons and it is really effective as well. In some cases online therapy may be even more effective than in-person therapy. If you have been wanting to start or even try online therapy, I would encourage you to do so and see what it is like. I offer a brief free 15 minute consultation where you can get an idea what online therapy would be like. To get started in therapy with me follow the steps below.


Let’s get started…

  1. Click the button below to reserve your spot for a free 15 minute consultation

  2. Complete the brief questionnaire sent to your email

  3. Meet with your new online therapist in North Carolina

  4. Start accessing your therapy appointments from your home

Once a consultation has been requested shortly after you will receive an email from Calm Waters Counseling with a brief questionnaire to complete before the consultation takes place. 

Click the buttons below to learn more about getting started in therapy at Calm Waters Counseling.


Written by: Laura Rippeon, LCSW, LCSW-C

Updated 3/12/23