5 Boundaries to Set When Going from Work Burnout to Work Life Balance

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Setting Boundaries is Important for Creating a Work Life Balance

Setting boundaries can be really difficult. As a high-achieving woman trying to get further in her career boundaries can be even more difficult to set at work. Feeling the pressure to prove yourself and worth, beat out the other guy to be noticed, or get the promotion.


My clients often are telling me about the long hours they put in at the job because they stay at work for too long or work more days than the normal 5 day work week. Sometimes it looks like taking on too many responsibilities

You want to do a good job and show others you can handle the pressure.

When these boundaries become too loose for too long, it can be a set up to create an environment of stress, anxiety, and lead to burnout. This has been especially true over the past year as most people have been forced to work from home due to COVID-19. The boundaries became blurred and our physical boundary of home also just became our workspace as well.

Most often what my clients tell me is they enjoy their work, don’t mind working hard, and also want to have a life outside of their work. They want to spend time with family and friends, do the things they once enjoyed doing, and most importantly not feel so stressed out and in a place of burnout. 

I’m a therapist in Wilmington, NC and I provide counseling for women. I specialize in providing anxiety treatment to those with perfectionism, imposter syndrome, and burnout.

I provide online therapy to high achieving women in North Carolina and Maryland.

Interested in starting therapy with me? Click the button below to schedule your free 15 minute consultation and fill out a brief questionnaire so we can get started!

Keep reading to check out 5 important boundaries you can set for yourself at work to create a healthier work life balance. 

To learn more about burnout, check out these helpful blog posts:

5 Signs You Are Experiencing Burnout

Burnout: What to Do When it is More Than Just Hating Your Job

5 Important Boundaries to Set at Work

It can take time to get there and small steps to get there but boundary setting is possible. When boundaries are in place, there can be some great rewards that come.

I use Acceptance and Commitment Therapy (ACT) treatment model with my clients to discover their values and incorporate mindfulness. This treatment model can be very beneficial to use when working with clients experiencing burnout and to help identify their boundaries.  

Boundary #1: Take Your Scheduled Breaks

This often gets overlooked but it is so important. So often my clients tell me they don’t have time to eat or just take a breather. Many times I am told “oh I just eat my desk and keep working.” However, your brain and your body needs a break. It is not possible to be “on” all the time. Allow yourself to step away and take a pause. Even if it means for just a minute to stand up and stretch and take a deep breath.

Action Step: Look at your planner or weekly calendar at work and block off that lunch break, mid morning pause, and mid afternoon pause.

Boundary #2: Communicate with Your Boss

Once you have an idea of your boundaries, you may want to communicate with your boss about the changes you will be making, even just to say you won’t be available at X time because you will be taking your lunch break. If you have a supportive boss, I would encourage you to have a conversation with them about how you have been feeling in general.

Action Step: Write a letter of what you would want to say or rehearse in your own space speaking to your boss.

Boundary #3: Turn the Notifications Off

Technology has allowed us to be very connected and there is always some new way this is happening - email, text, other apps companies now use to communicate directly with their employees. However, it is so important and critical for mental wellbeing to have a break from work when we are not at work. Being present is so important not only for yourself but for those you are choosing to spend time with as well. 

Action Step: On your days off go into your phone and turn off the notifications for the apps for work. If that isn’t possible, I would encourage you to move those apps off your phone’s home screen so they aren’t staring at you every time you open your phone.

Boundary #4: Leave Work on Time

At first maybe it started once a week and maybe just 15 minutes extra or “until you finish this one thing.” More likely than not it has grown into more days a week and the time you leave work has become inconsistent. It is really easily to get stuck in the loop with this unhealthy boundary, yet it can be a crucial one to set for yourself.

Action Step: Pick one day during the week that you feel is easiest to start with and leave work on time that day.

Boundary #5: Make Time for Yourself and the Things You Enjoy

It is so easy to get wrapped up in work and often it can become you whole identity if you let it takeover. What I can tell you is self-care is essential for combating stress, anxiety, and burnout.  So it can be really important to find time outside of work just for you. Return to old hobbies and enjoyments or try to discover new ones!

Action Step: Take out your planner and find a time in your week where you can do something just for you. It does’t have to cost a lot of money or take up a lot of time. Maybe it’s visiting a local cafe and getting your favorite drink but instead of running out the door and onto your next errand you take 20 minutes to sit down at a table and listen to that podcast you’ve been meaning to catch up on!

Bonus tip: Do You Have Flexibility?

Some questions I will often ask my clients when we are talking about burnout and boundary setting surrounds flexibility with their time or schedule. If the answer is yes, great! If the answer is no, that’s okay too. However, I encourage my client’s to pay attention and notice at what part of the day do they feel their best and are most on point. Is it possible to create a schedule around this part of the day? Or tackle particular tasks at this part of the day?

Continue reading to learn more about services offered at Calm Waters Counseling.

Start Creating Boundaries and Begin to Have a Healthier Work Life Balance

Having the healthy work life balance doesn’t have to be an overwhelming mountain to climb. It is possible to start and make small changes that can create a ripple effect and end up having major impacts. But I also know it can feel like a lot to even find a place to get started. 

If you are ready to start making some of these changes to reduce stress and anxiety and decrease burnout, reach out and schedule a free consultation and get started in burnout counseling with me today. 

Follow these simple steps to get started in therapy at Calm Waters Counseling.

  1. Click the button below to use the online booking system to schedule your free 15 minute consultation

  2. Complete the brief questionnaire that will be sent via email

  3. Meet with your new therapist

  4. Start creating a healthy work life balance


Counseling Services offered at Calm Waters Counseling

My anxiety counseling office is located in Wilmington, NC. I enjoy specialize in therapy for high-achieving woman. I provide anxiety treatment and often see these women struggle with issues of perfectionism, imposter syndrome, and burnout.

Meet Laura

Online Counseling for Women in North Carolina and Maryland


I am licensed to provide therapy to high achieving women located in Maryland and North Carolina. This takes place via a video platform where are able to see and hear each other. Online therapy is becoming more accepted and the norm now. It is a great resource to be able to offer to my clients and often I find it similar to having in-person therapy appointments. For more information on online therapy, I have linked to some other helpful blogs on online therapy below.

Click the links below to find out more information.

Online Burnout Therapy in Maryland

Online Burnout Therapy in North Carolina

If you have thought about wanting to try online therapy check out these helpful blogs for more information:

Is Online Therapy Right for Me?

Does Online Therapy Actually Work?

Benefits of Using Online Therapy for Anxiety Relief

For more information about Calm Waters Counseling and getting started in therapy click the buttons below.


Written by: Laura Rippeon, LCSW, LCSW-C

Updated 3/12/23