4 Things to Do in Asheville, NC in the Fall to Calm Anxiety

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Manage Your Anxiety and Have Fun in Asheville, NC

Summer break comes to an end and the routine of back to school and back to work sets in until the next break comes. 

Asheville, NC in the fall | Autumn in Asheville, NC | Sunrise in Asheville, NC | Blue Ridge Mountains in Asheville, NC | Hiking in Asheville, NC | Hiking Blue Ridge Mountains

Fall brings about another change and for some it can trigger an increase in anxiety and depression. The days become shorter and daylight savings time changes yet again. There is a reason for influx in therapy services in the fall. 

In the last of this blog series on ways to calm anxiety in North Carolina, I share some great spots in Asheville, NC and things you can do there in the fall while also working on coping with anxiety. Check out the other blogs in this series:

Things to Do in Charlotte, NC in the Summer

Things to Do in Wilmington, NC in the Summer

Things to Do in Raleigh, NC in the Spring

I am an anxiety therapist and provide women’s therapy in Wilmington, NC. I specialize in providing anxiety treatment, overcoming perfectionism, burnout treatment, and overcoming imposter syndrome. My online anxiety counseling practice is located in Wilmington, NC and I also offer online therapy for anxiety in North Carolina.

To start therapy with me, click the button below to schedule your free 15 minute consultation.

Keep reading to learn about 4 ways you can manage your anxiety and discover things to do in Asheville, NC

4 Ways to Manage Anxiety

Managing your anxiety can really challenging at times but there are things you can do to help keep it in check so that it doesn’t overwhelm you.

Check out these 4 helpful ways to manage anxiety and keeping anxiety from ruining your life.

#1 Spend time with others

Women | Friendship | Having fun | Things to do outside | Wine with friends | Social Anxiety | Girls Night

I know this one can be really hard for my anxious folks, especially those suffering with social anxiety disorder. However, when we engage with family, friends, and loved ones it boosts our oxytocin levels and this helps to naturally reduce anxiety and stress. 

#2 Get Exercise 

Moving your body is also another natural way to reduce your anxiety and stress levels. Regularly engaging in some kind of exercise or movement with your body is also a great way to help get out any physical nervous energy you may have going on. There are many benefits of exercising to reduce anxiety

#3 Spend time outdoors

Connect and ground yourself by being in nature or simply taking a walk outside. Being outside is a great opportunity to practice some mindfulness and focus your attention on being in the present moment. Try being still in the moment and listening to the sounds around you or digging in the dirt. Not only is simply being outside a great way to connect and ground yourself but it can also remind of other memories too and hopefully bring a smile to your face (cue the memory of catching lightening bugs barefoot in the backyard).

#4 Have Fun

Often times anxiety can cause you to cancel plans and miss out on all the good stuff. Avoiding some of the fun things because it easier and you don’t want to feel uncomfortable is certainly not how you want to live your life. It is important to be able to work through the avoiding using anxiety therapy. Having fun and living your life in a rich and meaningful way can help cause less anxiety.

Keep reading to learn about ways to put these anxiety tips into action in Asheville, NC.

4 Things to Do in Asheville, NC

Asheville, North Carolina is pretty hip place with a cool boho vibe and unique in many ways. It is set in the Blue Ridge Mountains and can easily offer fun things to do and some gorgeous sunsets.

There are a lot of awesome things to do in Asheville, NC but here are some that come to mind that also fit the 4 tips above:

#1 Take a Hike in Asheville, NC

Looking Glass Falls | Hike | Waterfall | Asheville, NC | Asheville, NC Hiking | Hiking in the Autumn | Autumn Season | Fall Season

Get some friends together or go solo and take a hike. Take advantage of being in the Blue Ridge Mountains and pick a trail to explore. Afterwards check out one of the many breweries or awesome restaurants in town. 

Take a pause. Look around. Practice the 5-4-3-2-1 mindfulness activity.

#2 Discover the Biltmore Estate

Take an afternoon and stroll around the Biltmore Estate and check out the grounds and garden. Take a moment to pause and stop and smell the roses, literally and figuratively. Ok, so I don’t exactly know if there will be roses there in the season but the point is to take a moment, pause, and be present in your surroundings. Most often when we can be in the present to reduce worries and anxiety symptoms.

#3 Asheville, NC Walking Tour

Do a walking tour of the Urban Trail around downtown Asheville, NC. This tour is approximately 1.7 miles long. It’s kind of like a history scavenger hunt while walking around the city. Discover some history about the area while exploring some super cool places too! Get outside and immerse yourself in something different.

#4 Get out with Fido

Chimney Rock State Park | Chimney Rock | Asheville, NC | Autumn leaves | Hiking in the fall

If you love taking your pooch out with you to explore (double bonus as having pets can also lower anxiety levels) consider visiting Chimney Rock State Park. This is a great area to go walking and hiking but also you can bring your dog along too. Chimney Rock State Park offers some amazing views. It is located about 25 miles from Asheville. 

There are so many other things to do and see in Asheville that you can do to help reduce anxiety. The ideas above are a starting off point.

Start Anxiety Therapy in Wilmington, NC

Anxiety counseling is effective the tips above on reducing anxiety is only part of the work involved to mange anxiety. I have made the process easy to get started in anxiety therapy with me at Calm Waters Counseling.

Follow the 4 simple steps below to get the process started in anxiety therapy:

  1. Click the button below to online schedule your free 15 minute consultation

  2. Complete the brief questionnaire sent to your email before the consultation call

  3. Meet with your anxiety therapist

  4. Live your life with less anxiety

Women’s Therapy in Wilmington, NC at Calm Waters Counseling

Often my clients are coming to therapy because anxiety is controlling their life and they are high achievers. Anxiety is affecting their work, relationships, health, and overall life enjoyment. Sometimes this is because of perfectionism and imposter syndrome. Other times anxiety can lead to work stress and burnout

Learn more about me (the anxiety therapist) and my Wilmington, NC counseling practice.

Online Therapy for Anxiety in North Carolina

Online therapy continues to gain popularity for many reasons. It is a service I have been offering to my clients long before the pandemic began and I have seen clients start and successfully end anxiety therapy with improvement in their mood.


To learn more about online therapy in North Carolina, click the link below.

Online therapy for anxiety in North Carolina

If you have thought about trying online therapy and would like more information, check out these helpful blog posts:

Benefits of Using Online Therapy for Anxiety

Does Online Therapy Actually Work?

Is Online Therapy Right for Me?

Still have more questions? Click the buttons below to get some answers!


Written by: Laura Rippeon, LCSW, LCSW-C

Updated 3/14/23