4 Questions to Ask When Looking For An Anxiety Therapist

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Important Questions to Ask Your Anxiety Therapist Before Getting Started in Anxiety Treatment

Trying to find and pick a therapist can be daunting and overwhelming. Nowadays you go on to google and type in “anxiety therapist near me” and you’ve just received pages and pages of hits.

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Hopefully, you were able to narrow down a few and maybe even reached out to them regarding availability. 

But what’s next? How do you know you have found the best therapist for you?

Well today, I am going to share with you 4 important questions to ask your potential new anxiety therapist. These questions might be able to help give you some answers as to what it would be like to work with them and clarify your wants and needs in the therapy process. 

I am an online anxiety therapist in Wilmington, NC, and work with anxious high-achieving women in North Carolina and Maryland.

At Calm Waters Counseling you receive anxiety treatment and focus on other topics such as perfectionism, imposter syndrome, and burnout. 

Ready to start therapy with me? Click the button below to schedule your free 15-minute consultation on the date and time of your choice.

Keep reading to learn 4 questions to ask an anxiety therapist before you start anxiety treatment.  

Questions to Ask an Anxiety Therapist When You Start Anxiety Treatment 

The four questions below can help to provide you with some good information when you are trying to decide if you and the anxiety therapist are going to be a good fit working together. 

Question #1 to Ask an Anxiety Therapist: What type of therapy do you use for anxiety treatment?

There are so many different types of therapy for anxiety treatment out there. This does not mean all of them are going to be a good fit for you. 

Talk to the anxiety therapist about the therapy modality they use and ask questions about how this anxiety treatment style works.

Learn about using CBT vs ACT

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Question #2 to Ask an Anxiety Therapist: What kind of clients do you do your best work with?

This is good information for you to know about a potential new therapist.

As an anxiety therapist, I recognize I am not going to be everyone’s cup of tea and vice versa. 

Find an anxiety therapist that is going to fit your personality. The therapeutic relationship is important to your growth.

Question #3 to Ask an Anxiety Therapist: What does the process of anxiety treatment look like?

This question can be used for clarifying purposes or just knowing what to expect from the process and the general length of time the client may stay in treatment. 

Of course, this second part will vary among different clients but it is still a good question to ask.

Question #4 to Ask an Anxiety Therapist: What are some of the common outcomes you see with your client when they complete anxiety treatment?

This is a great question to ask! You want to know the outcomes other clients experience but also keep in mind what you want to experience at the end of your anxiety treatment. 

This plays into the previous question because often in therapy there will be goals for treatment determined by yourself with some input from the therapist. 

Begin with an Anxiety Therapist in Wilmington, NC at Calm Waters Counseling

Anxiety can be so challenging and so can finding the best anxiety therapist for you

Starting anxiety therapy is a big step. It is also important to know about the process of anxiety treatment and how your anxiety therapist can help you.  

I use ACT for anxiety treatment with my clients. Acceptance and Commitment Therapy is an effective therapy model for anxiety treatment. 

Learn more about acceptance and commitment therapy and how it can be helpful for you.

Get started in therapy at Calm Waters Counseling by following these 4 simple steps:

woman leaning next to brick wall | anxiety therapist Frederick, MD | anxiety therapist Wilmington, NC | therapist near me
  1. Click the button below to schedule your free 15-minute consultation

  2. Complete the brief questionnaire sent to your email before the consultation

  3. Meet with your anxiety therapist

  4. Start living your life feeling more in control


Therapy for High Achievers in Wilmington, NC at Calm Waters Counseling

The women I work with are highly motivated and goal-oriented. They also tend to have an overactive anxious system too. 

I understand the challenges that come with both.  

Learn more about me and how I work with anxious high achievers in my Wilmington, NC virtual counseling practice.

Check out all services at Calm Waters Counseling, listed below:

Anxiety treatment in Wilmington, NC

Treatment for Perfectionism in Maryland

Burnout Counseling in Wilmington, NC

Therapy for Imposter Syndrome in Wilmington, NC


Online Anxiety Therapy in Maryland

Online therapy has become more of the norm now and it is easy to see why. Online therapy is just as effective, is flexible to meet your needs, and offers the same if not more impactful interventions to be applied in real-time.

Online acceptance and commitment therapy is a great option for anxiety treatment.

woman with laptop on desk | online therapy in North Carolina | online therapy in Maryland | online therapist for anxiety

Click the links below to learn about online therapy where you live.

online therapy for anxiety in North Carolina

online anxiety therapy in Maryland


Still, have questions? Click the buttons below to get some answers.


Written by: Laura Rippeon, LCSW, LCSW-C

Updated 3/17/23