How To Make A New Year’s Resolution You Can Keep

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Go from Goal Planning to Goal Sticking with These Helpful Goal Setting Tips for New Year’s Resolution

Every year around the holiday season my clients start to think about their “word,” theme, intention, or goals for the new year. We spend some time talking about it and the reasoning behind their choice. 

Goals can be exciting and they can be overwhelming at the same time. You can get that great motivation at first and then it starts to fizzle out faster than that sparkler you lit to bring in the New Year. It’s something we can all relate to as well. 

Life happens, unexpected changes show up, or you just no longer find the goal as important. And that’s okay too!

But what about when you want to really commit and it is still an important resolution to you? Well, keep reading, because, in this blog, I’m sharing with you 5 ways you can keep your new year’s resolution.

I am an online anxiety therapist in Wilmington, NC, and specialize in therapy for high-achiever women that are anxious go-getters. I provide anxiety treatment including treatment for perfectionism, therapy for imposter syndrome, and burnout counseling.

I provide anxiety therapy virtually across North Carolina and Maryland. Log in and enjoy the comfort of your own space while also getting the support you need!

Click the button below to get started in therapy with me.

Keep reading to learn tips on how you can set your new year’s resolution and keep with it. 

5 Tips to Help You Stay Focused on Your New Year’s Resolution

Goal setting can be really fun and overwhelming at the same time. If you choose to set a SMART goal check out these helpful tips on ways to help you stay focused while working on your goal.

Tip #1: Figure Out Your Why

First things first, why are you choosing this goal, this word, this intention for the year? When you think you have the answer, ask yourself why again and see if you can dig a little deeper. 

When we can identify the “why” it helps us to stay connected and motivated.

Tip #2: Align Your Goal with Your Values

If you work with me, it is no secret that I love talking to my clients about their values. As you are working through and figuring out your “why,” the discussion of values is sure to also come up. 

When you can connect your goal with your values, it makes the goal more meaningful. Typically, if something is important and meaningful to you, then you are more likely to engage.

Tip #3: Make Your Goal Reasonable

I work with high-achievers so this one we spend some extra time talking about. My high-achiever clients love to set that bar high. Now there is absolutely nothing wrong with having exceptions and going for the gusto.

However, it is important to keep in mind that goals should also be reasonable and that the bar isn’t set so high that you are setting yourself up that it isn’t attainable.

For these reasons, make the long-term goal and then chunk it down and make short-term reasonable goals that allow you to take steps towards the big one!

Tip #4: Celebrate the Steps You Make Towards Your Goal

Okay, so this may be another challenge for my high-achievers and busy boss babes. 

I know it isn’t always easy to celebrate your achievements and acknowledge all the hard work you’ve done but you deserve to have it recognized.

When you can give back to yourself and show yourself some love and kindness it helps boost your mood, your confidence, and your self-esteem.

And who couldn’t use a big dose of all that good stuff?

Tip #5: Tell Someone about it

Accountability can be really helpful for staying focused. So find someone you trust and talk to them about your goal or intention. 

Not only does it help with accountability but also saying it out loud can make it more real too. 

Bonus Tip: Losing Interest 

If you lose interest and no longer want to work on your goal or if it doesn’t go as planned, that’s okay. Take time to feel whatever feelings are coming up and then find ways to learn, grow, and bring in some self-compassion

Beating yourself up only discourages you more and increases feeling negative about yourself.

ACT therapy in Wilmington, NC at Calm Waters Counseling

Goal setting and goal sticking is a lot of hard work that can be overwhelming, frustrating, and can leave you feeling poorly about yourself if you abandon ship.

You do so much already and there is a lot of pressure you put on yourself already. That’s why I love these helpful goal-setting tips for new year’s resolutions

I use Acceptance and Commitment Therapy for anxiety treatment and ACT work can be really helpful with goal setting.

Learn more about ACT for anxiety and how it can be helpful for you.

Get started in therapy at Calm Waters Counseling by following these 4 simple steps:

  1. Click the button below to schedule your free 15-minute consultation

  2. Complete the brief questionnaire sent to your email before the consultation

  3. Meet with your ACT therapist

  4. Start meeting your goals and living your life in rich and meaningful ways.


Virtual Therapy for Anxiety in North Carolina

Online therapy provides the flexibility to meet your needs while still being effective and supportive. My busy high-achiever clients love to have this option available because they may be consistently on the go, being a boss babe, or taking care of business in their personal life. 

Sometimes coming into the therapy office just isn’t an option and that’s okay!

Check out this blog post on using online Acceptance and Commitment Therapy to get more information on how ACT can work even when the therapist and client aren’t sitting in the same room.

If online therapy seems like a good option for you, click the links below to learn more where you live.

online therapy for anxiety in North Carolina

online anxiety therapy in Maryland


Still, have questions? Click the buttons below to learn even more!


Written by: Laura Rippeon, LCSW, LCSW-C

Updated 3/20/23