10 Essential Things Entrepreneurs Need to Reduce Stress

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No One Ever Said Being a Business Owner and Entrepreneur Was Easy…

There is a lot of risk and excitement that comes with being an entrepreneur and business owner. There is also a lot of stress, anxiety, and burnout that comes with being an entrepreneur and business owner. 

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Chances are you may be frequently operating from that place of stress and anxiety if you are here and reading this.

Stress and anxiety can impact your business and your personal life but there are things you can do to help reduce and manage the stress so that you can achieve work-life harmony more successfully. 

Keep reading to learn 10 tips entrepreneurs can do to help reduce stress.

I am an online anxiety therapist in Wilmington, NC, and provide therapy for high-achieving women experiencing anxiety and stress. We discuss topics such as perfectionism anxiety, feeling like an imposter, and experiencing burnout.

My online therapy practice is located in Wilmington, NC but I also offer online anxiety therapy in North Carolina and Maryland. 

Ready to get started? Click the button below to schedule your free 15-minute consultation with me.

Keep reading to learn how entrepreneurs can reduce stress to have a healthier life. 

10 Tips for Entrepreneurs to Reduce Stress

Business owners and entrepreneurs know that it is rarely ever a smooth sailing process. Running a business is like the wildest craziest rollercoaster ride you may have ever set foot on, and chances are you’d probably do it all over again.

This is why business owners and entrepreneurs need to have a stress management plan in place. Check out the list below, for my top stress-reducing tips every entrepreneur needs.

Tip #1 for an Entrepreneurs Stress Management Plan: Get Organized

The first step to reducing stress is to get organized (if only I could hire Clea and Joanna from The Home Edit to step in)

This means creating a schedule and sticking to it. Try to batch similar tasks together so that you can work more efficiently. 

For example, if you need to make phone calls, write emails, and do some research, do all of the same tasks in one sitting before moving on to the next task and instead of spreading them throughout the day.

Rule of thumb - Whole ass one thing instead of half-ass a bunch of things!

Tip #2 for an Entrepreneurs Stress Management Plan: Plan Ahead

woman writing in a planner on a desk with Starbucks drink | stress management plan | entrepreneur stress management | therapy for entrepreneurs in North Carolina | therapy for entrepreneurs in Maryland

Spend some time looking ahead to what is coming up in the next 1 month, 3 months, and year. 

Being able to plan for deadlines, launches, or other important things can help to reduce stress and help you feel more prepared.

Tip #3 for an Entrepreneurs Stress Management Plan: Have a Support System

Another way to reduce stress is to delegate tasks and build a support network. If you have a team, delegate tasks so that you are not shouldering all of the responsibility yourself. It is also important to have a network of people you can rely on for support, whether it is your family, friends, or colleagues.

Tip #4 for an Entrepreneurs Stress Management Plan: Be Clear on Your Work Boundaries

Hands down one of the most important tips on this list are probably being clear on your boundaries and the steps you take toward honoring your boundaries. 

Boundaries aren’t meant to be constantly rigid. They can be flexible when they need to be.

Tip #5 for an Entrepreneurs Stress Management Plan: Take Breaks

It is also important to take breaks throughout the day so that you can recharge your batteries. This could mean taking a walk around the block or reading a book for 10 minutes.

Whatever you do, make sure it is something that helps you get clear, relax, or rejuvenate.

Tip #6 for an Entrepreneurs Stress Management Plan: Get Simple

Spend some time simplifying your life. This means streamlining your schedule and eliminating anything that is not essential. 

For example, if you find that you are spending too much time on social media, limit yourself to 30 minutes per day. Or, if you are constantly running errands, see if there are any tasks that someone else can do for you.

Tip #7 for an Entrepreneurs Stress Management Plan: Get Your Mindset in Check

When things get overwhelming, it can be really easy to fall into a negative mindset.

Make sure to check in with yourself and notice your thoughts and feelings. Is there a lot of negative and critical self-talk showing up?

It’s okay and it’s going to happen, just remember you don’t have to listen and take the advice your mind can throw at you.

Tip #8 for an Entrepreneurs Stress Management Plan: Get Familiar with Your Values

Explore your values and what is important to you.

Your values can help be a guide for how you run your business, the decisions that are made, what is important to you, and your overall “why.”

woman drinking coffee looking out at forest | therapy for imposter syndrome in North Carolina | therapy for imposter syndrome in Maryland

Tip #9 for an Entrepreneurs Stress Management Plan: Take Care of Yourself

Another way to reduce stress is to eat healthily and exercise regularly. Eating nutritious foods helps to improve your energy levels and mood, while exercise releases endorphins, which have mood-boosting effects.

Last but not least, be sure to get enough sleep each night as this will help your body recover from the day’s activities and reduce stress levels

Tip #10 for an Entrepreneurs Stress Management Plan: Have Other Interests

Having a hobby that you enjoy can help you de-stress after a long day at work. Whether it's painting, hiking, biking, or anything else, having something that you look forward to doing outside of work can make a big difference in your stress levels.

Stress and Anxiety Therapy in Wilmington, NC at Calm Waters Counseling

Being an entrepreneur and business owner is no easy ride. There are twists and turns, straightaways, speed bumps, and dead-end signs along the journey, and sometimes all within the same day!

It can be overwhelming and it can cause a lot of stress and anxiety. There are also ways to help reduce and manage the stress that comes with the pressures.

I use a style of therapy called Acceptance and Commitment Therapy for anxiety treatment. Check out this blog to learn if Acceptance and Commitment Therapy could be helpful for you.

Learn more about ACT for anxiety.

Get started in therapy at Calm Waters Counseling by following these 4 simple steps:

woman leaning against brick wall and smiling | ACT therapist in Wilmington NC | ACT therapist in Frederick, MD
  1. Click the button below to schedule your free 15-minute consultation

  2. Complete the brief questionnaire sent to your email before the consultation

  3. Meet with your ACT therapist

  4. Start living your life and enjoying your time


Therapy for High Achievers in Wilmington, NC at Calm Waters Counseling

If you’re an entrepreneur chances are you are also a high achiever. There is a lot of work that goes into being an entrepreneur and business owner. 

I completely understand that rollercoaster ride.

This is why I focus my therapy practice on helping the high-achieving goal-getter.

Learn more about me and my Wilmington, NC online therapy practice

If this sounds relatable, check out the helpful services at Calm Waters Counseling, listed below:

Anxiety therapy in Wilmington, NC

Treatment for Perfectionism in Maryland

Burnout Counseling in Wilmington, NC

Therapy for Imposter Syndrome in Wilmington, NC


Online Anxiety Therapy for High Achievers in North Carolina

It is no secret that high achievers, and especially entrepreneurs, live a busy and sometimes chaotic life. 

This is why having the option of virtual anxiety therapy is necessary and helpful. Online therapy appointments offer the convenience and flexibility essential to getting the support you need while reducing the stress of adding another thing to your plate. 

Asian woman sitting at laptop with headphones on | virtual therapy for entrepreneurs in North Carolina | virtual therapy for entrepreneurs in Maryland

Interested in online Acceptance and Commitment Therapy for anxiety treatment? 

If online therapy seems like a good option for you, click the links below to learn more about where you live.

online therapy for anxiety in North Carolina

online anxiety therapy in Maryland


I know you’ve got questions. So I’ve got answers!


Written by: Laura Rippeon, LCSW, LCSW-C