ACT Therapy for Entrepreneurs

How Acceptance and Commitment Therapy Can Help Entrepreneurs Reduce Stress and Find Balance

Being a business owner and entrepreneur is a lot of pressure. It can increase stress levels and stretch you repeatedly and often outside your comfort zone. 

black woman sitting at desk working from home | therapy for business owners | burnout entrepreneur | stressed-out business owner

And you still choose to do it day in and day out. Probably because it falls in line with values that are important to you.

When the stress levels run high, it can make life even more challenging. If you also encounter anxiety, perfectionism, and burnout, it can make decision-making more challenging, communication skills more difficult, and your productivity levels reduced.

In this blog, I’m going to share with you how Acceptance and Commitment Therapy can be helpful for Entrepreneurs.

I’m an entrepreneur, business owner, and therapist in Wilmington, NC. I work specifically with stressed-out and overwhelmed busy professional women including entrepreneurs and business owners in North Carolina and Maryland. 

Are you an entrepreneur who is ready to get the help and support you need to address the stress, anxiety, or burnout happening in your life?

Click the button below to book your free 15-minute consultation to get started today.

Keep reading to learn how entrepreneurs can benefit from Acceptance and Commitment Therapy.

8 Ways Acceptance and Commitment Therapy Can Help Entrepreneurs

I’m a firm believer that everyone can benefit from some therapy. I also think this is especially true for entrepreneurs and business owners too! Listed below are 8 ways entrepreneurs and business owners can benefit from ACT Therapy.

Dealing with Difficult Emotions

As an entrepreneur, you are bound to face a lot of challenges and setbacks. This can lead to a build-up of difficult emotions, such as anxiety, frustration, and anger. Acceptance and commitment therapy can help you to deal with these emotions healthily. The therapist will teach you how to accept your emotions and commit to taking action despite them. This can help you to stay focused and motivated even when things are tough.

Managing Stress

The entrepreneurial lifestyle can be very stressful. You might be working long hours, dealing with financial insecurity, and constantly having to make tough decisions. This can all take a toll on your mental and physical health. Acceptance and commitment therapy can help you to manage stress more effectively. The therapist will teach you how to identify your stressors and develop coping strategies that work for you.

Focus on Your Goals

Acceptance and commitment therapy (ACT) can help you focus on your goals and what you want to achieve in your business. This type of therapy can help you to let go of distractions and focus on what is important to you.

Improve Motivation

ACT can help you to stay motivated by allowing you to connect with your values and what is important to you. When you are clear about what you want to achieve, it is easier to stay focused and motivated.

Improving Productivity

When you’re feeling stressed and overwhelmed, it can be hard to get anything done. This can lead to a decline in productivity, which can further add to your stress levels. Acceptance and commitment therapy can help you improve your productivity by teaching you how to focus on what is most important and let go of perfectionism.

Enhance Mindfulness

ACT can help you to be more mindful of your thoughts and actions. This type of awareness can help you to make better decisions in your business and avoid making impulsive decisions that could lead to problems down the road.

Building Resilience

To be successful in business, you need to be resilient. This means being able to bounce back from setbacks and continue moving forward towards your goals. Acceptance and commitment therapy can help you build resilience by teaching you how to accept the things that are out of your control and focus on the things that you can change.

Creating a Life Balance

It’s important to have a healthy balance between work and the rest of your life. If you’re working all the time, you’re likely to burn out quickly and become less productive overall. Acceptance and commitment therapy can help you create a more balanced lifestyle by teaching you how to set boundaries between work and the rest of your life.

Start Online Acceptance and Commitment Therapy at Calm Waters Counseling

Being an entrepreneur and business owner means risk, vulnerability, visibility, and stretching yourself most days outside of your comfort zone. All these things and more can increase stress, anxiety, doubt, and exhaustion.

Using ACT Therapy for entrepreneurs and business owners works because of all the parts of Acceptance and Commitment Therapy focus on within the therapy framework. 

Learn more to see if Acceptance and Commitment Therapy would be helpful for you.

Ready to get started in therapy with me? Follow these 3 easy steps below.

woman looking at camera and smiling | ACT Therapist in Wilmington, NC |  Therapy in Wilmington, NC | Online therapy North Carolina

1| Set up the consultation - Choose a convenient date and time for your consultation.

2| Fill out the questionnaire - Within 24 hours of your consultation request, you will receive an email confirming and providing a link to a brief questionnaire. This needs to be completed 24 hours before the consultation.

3| Take the phone call - After you've filled out the questionnaire, I will call you at the designated time for the consultation. During this call, I will gather more information about you and your therapy goals.


Additional Online Therapy Services at Calm Waters Counseling

In addition to working with stressed-out and overwhelmed women entrepreneurs and business owners, at Calm Waters Counseling we focus on other areas of focus too, including:

Perfectionism Treatment

Your expectations are lofty and frequently unreached by others. Your perfectionistic tendencies can lead to stress and disrupt your most important relationships.

Burnout Counseling

Somehow, you've exchanged motivation and enjoyment in your work for exhaustion and apprehension. You've pondered whether it's you, the job, or something else entirely.

Therapy for Anxiety

The worries and constant overthinking keep you up and night. Concentrating and focusing have increasingly become more difficult. You know you’re not yourself but nothing seems to help. 

Open laptop on a desk | online therapy in Maryland | online therapy in North Carolina

For more information on online therapy in your state, click the links below.

Online Therapy for Stress in Maryland

Online Therapy for Stress in North Carolina


Have More Questions?


Written by: Laura Rippeon, LCSW, LCSW-C