5 Signs You Have Found the Right Anxiety Therapist

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How to Tell if You Have Found the Right Anxiety Therapist

In the past I have written about finding the best anxiety therapist but I also think it is important to highlight the signs of how you know if you have found the right anxiety therapist for you!


Y’all I have scoured the internet and have done my own research to try and find therapists and that shit is hard. 

There is so much that I look at and take into account. It’s overwhelming. So if your brain works anything like mine, I imagine it can be overwhelming for you too. 

And if you can find the right therapist for you, it can be a really life changing experience and one of the biggest factors of a successful therapy experience. 

Therapy itself and therapists are not a one size fits all kinda situation

So I think it is helpful to identify some signs of how you know if you have found the right anxiety therapist for you! 

I am an anxiety therapist in Wilmington, NC and enjoy being a therapist for high achieving women. I provide anxiety treatment, treatment for perfectionism, therapy for imposter syndrome and burnout counseling.

I specialize in providing online anxiety therapy to high achievers living in North Carolina and Maryland.

If you are ready to get started with me, click the button below and online schedule your free 15 minute consultation.

Keep reading to check out some of the signs you have found the right anxiety therapist for you.

5 Signs You Have Found the Right Anxiety Therapist

Like I said earlier this is not a one size fits all kind of situation and it is important to remember the right anxiety therapist for your bestie may not be the right anxiety therapist for you. However, I believe these are the top 5 signs that you have found the right anxiety therapist. Some of these signs you may even be able to pick up on in the first interaction with the therapist and is one of the main reasons I offer initial consultations before scheduling a first appointment.

And in no particular order, here we go…

Sign #1: The anxiety therapist is competent in the area you are seeking therapy for

Okay so this one may be a no brainer and why I listed it first. 


So yes I guess there is a particular order…

But, this one is super important. Making sure the therapist or therapists you are interviewing (Yes, that’s right I said it! Do your due diligence and shop around.) are knowledgeable and specialize in the areas you are seeking for is a fundamental part of the process. 

Ask questions about the therapist’s background, training, and therapy practice models. 

When I have consultations with potential clients I make sure to let them know I use the following therapy approaches - Cognitive Behavioral Therapy (CBT), Acceptance and Commitment Therapy (ACT), and mindfulness techniques.

You can learn more about these therapy approaches by clicking the links below.

What is CBT therapy?

What is ACT therapy?


Using Mindfulness with Anxiety

Sign #2: The anxiety therapist listens

If you find your therapist is doing more talking than you are…this is a big red flag. 

It is important the therapist is able to be an active listener in order to be able to do some of the following - reflect, provide feedback, validate, and be supportive.

Sign #3: The anxiety therapist sets boundaries

Boundaries are important and essential in relationships, even in the therapeutic relationship you develop with your therapist. 

Boundaries can also be really difficult and uncomfortable but they are important. An example of this includes the therapist is not in your life to be your friend and the session is also not about the therapist either. 

Sign #4: The anxiety therapist doesn’t give advice

Another type of boundary but one I thought was important enough to stand alone.

One of the top things I often hear clients say is “I just want someone to tell me what to do.”

I get it and wouldn’t that be great. Not to have to make another decision. Have someone else figure it all out and give direction.

Fortunately, that is the exact opposite of what anxiety therapy is all about. My job as an anxiety therapist is to help provide you with tools and fundamentals to be able to do this for yourself. 

The anxiety therapist also recognizes the client is the expert in their own life and is able to honor this. In the end, processing, reflecting, and assisting the client with problem solving for growth purposes is the ultimate outcome.

Sign #5: You feel comfortable sharing with your anxiety therapist 

From the moment we begin working together this is what I aim to create for my client - an environment where they feel safe and where they won’t be judged.

Being open and honest is so important in the therapy process because if you are not able to do so then the therapy process isn’t going to work. So if you feel like you are not able to share with your therapist what is happening in your life or happened in your life, this is a big red flag.

Start Anxiety Counseling in Wilmington, NC

Finding the right anxiety therapist for you can be challenging and there are a lot of things to take into consideration. Hopefully in this blog you were able to take away some of the most important aspects when looking for the right anxiety therapist for you. 

Getting started in anxiety therapy at Calm Waters Counseling is really simple. Follow these 4 steps to get started.

  1. Click the button below to online schedule your free 15 minute consultation

  2. Complete the brief questionnaire sent to your email

  3. Meet the anxiety therapist

  4. Start living life with less anxiety

Additional Therapy for Women Services Offered at Calm Waters Counseling

Learn more about me and my Wilmington, NC counseling practice.

In addition to being an anxiety therapist for women in Wilmington, NC, I also provide therapy services for women experiencing perfectionism, imposter syndrome, and burnout from work stress


Online Therapy for Anxiety in North Carolina


Online therapy is a really beneficial option and one of the services I offer to my clients. Online therapy allows for the client and therapist the ability to see and hear each other over a safe and secure platform.

Online Acceptance and Commitment Therapy is a great and offers the client a lot of flexibility because you can use this tool when traveling or if you have a busy schedule and can’t attend evening therapy appointments due to other obligations.

I’m an online therapist in Maryland and North Carolina. To learn more about online therapy click the links below.

Online Therapy for Anxiety in North Carolina

Online Anxiety Therapy in Maryland

To learn more about online therapy, check out these helpful blog posts:

Is Online Therapy Right For Me?

Does Online Therapy Actually Work?

Benefits of Using Online Therapy for Anxiety Relief

Still have questions?

Click the buttons below to get some answers!


Written by: Laura Rippeon, LCSW, LCSW-C

Updated 3/15/23