4 Ways to Calm Your Anxiety in North Carolina

A banner for the Calm Waters Blog that says “The Not-So-Secret Anxiety Diary. Laura Rippeon. LCSW. LCSW-C. www.calmwaterspllc.com”. We offer CBT for anxiety in Wilmington, NC. Contact an anxiety therapist in Wilmington, NC for more information about…

Manage Your Anxiety By Moving Your Body and Finding Fun Things to do Outside in North Carolina

The azaleas are blooming, birds are chirping, and at this very moment, there is a yellow hue of pollen on my car. In North Carolina that means one thing, it's finally Spring!

At times the winter season can feel so long. So, when spring rolls around that itch to get outside and get moving starts to naturally happen. Almost like when bears hibernate all winter long and then peak out of their den.

The spring season can be a mental shift for clients too. More daylight and warmer weather can mentally and emotionally make you feel better. 

And, this can have an impact on anxiety, too.

Living in North Carolina has its benefits. It is a big state! So, there is a lot to see and do. We are in a state that offers wonderful outdoor opportunities from the mountains to the coast.

Because of the great weather we have from Spring through the Fall, many outdoor activities can help manage anxiety.

With COVID-19 vaccinations becoming more available, the chance to do more travel and be around others again is also increasing. Being able to resume activities you once enjoyed has also played a part in lowering anxiety.

I am a therapist in Wilmington, NC and I work with high achieving women

I specialize in providing anxiety treatment, therapy for imposter syndrome, treatment for perfectionism, and burnout counseling. I offer online therapy in North Carolina and online therapy in Maryland. 

For more information on anxiety check out these helpful blogs:

5 Tips for Choosing the Best Anxiety Therapist in Wilmington, NC

Understanding Your Anxiety and How to Treat it

5 Ways to Calm an Anxiety Attack in the Moment

Finding the Right Anxiety Therapist for You

What to Expect When You Start Therapy for Anxiety

You can also schedule your free consultation with me when you click on the button.

4 Ways to Help Manage Anxiety Symptoms in North Carolina

1st way to manage anxiety: Being Outside Provides Natural Anxiety Relief

Spending time outdoors can help bolster your creativity, relieve stress, be more productive, and give your system a boost to recharge.

A young woman stands with her hands interlocked as she enjoys the summer evening. This could represent a person using nature to ease anxiety. We offer anxiety treatment in Wilmington, NC, online therapy for anxiety, and other services. In addition, …

Most often when you are feeling anxiety and stress, you are also feeling overwhelmed. Being in nature helps to reconnect, get perspective, and ground yourself as well. Grounding is essential when it comes to managing your anxiety. It acts as an anchor when you feel as if you're spinning out of control. Grounding yourself can happen in countless ways. 

Here are a few things I’ve seen through my years providing anxiety treatment

Dig your toes in the sand or dirt. 

Start that vegetable garden. 

Plant some beautiful flowers that make you smile. 

Walk your dog.

For more in-depth information, check out this blog on how nature impacts your anxiety relief.

Also, don’t forget your sunscreen!

2nd way to manage anxiety: Connecting with Others Reduces Anxiety

As humans, we have an innate desire for social connection. I know this one is not always the easiest for my anxious folks. Often, social things or events tend to increase anxiety. Yet, there are many positives that can come from surrounding yourself with people you enjoy spending time with.

Connecting with others offers the following positive benefits:

Improving mood

Increasing self-esteem

Lower anxiety

Lower blood pressure

Reduce depression

Increase empathy 

They say laughter is the best medicine. So grab your besties and have an afternoon full of great big belly laughs.

3rd way to manage anxiety: Get Your Body Moving for Anxiety Relief

By now it is no secret about the positive effects exercising can have on your mental health and physical health. It allows for a way to ground yourself and also to physically work some of your feelings out of your body.

Exercising on a normal basis can have the following positive impacts on mental health:

Reduce anxiety

Improve self-esteem

Reduce tension

Improve sleep

Reduce overwhelm

Releases endorphins (feel-good chemicals)

It is also important to recognize that exercising and moving your body can look different to each individual person. In North Carolina, we are very lucky to have a wide variety of ways that encourage being active.

Here are a few ways to get your body moving on land and in the water:

  • Walking

  • Hiking

  • Running

  • Golfing

  • Strength Training

  • Martial Arts

  • Aerobics

  • Disc Golf

  • Rock Climbing

  • Biking

  • Yoga

  • Kayaking

  • Surfing

  • Stand-Up Paddle Boarding (SUP)

  • Swimming

  • Diving

  • Canoeing

  • River Rafting

  • Rowing

There are so many other ways to get your body moving that are not listed here. What are some of your favorites? How do you feel after you have spent some time being active?

4th way to manage anxiety: Have Fun to Reduce Anxiety

Incorporating fun into your life can have a major impact on reducing your anxiety. During my anxiety treatment intake sessions, I always ask what my clients do for leisure or recreation. I also ask how they attempt to take care of themself both in the present and in the past. 

Having fun helps to reduce stress and overwhelm as well. 

Not being able to engage in or even identify things you enjoy is one of the biggest indicators of depression and burnout.

There are so many different ways to have fun in North Carolina. There are cost-effective ways like having a game night with friends, fishing on the pier, or having a dance party in your house! For a more relaxing time. Perhaps you might listen to music or catch up on your favorite podcast. Or, explore a museum. You can even enjoy the beautiful weather by going to the beach for an afternoon and having a picnic. There are also more expensive options that may happen less often. This might look like going to a spa or weekend retreat in the mountains or beach.

What are the ways you have fun to reduce your anxiety?

Start Anxiety Treatment in Wilmington, NC

There is never a bad time to start anxiety treatment. I would be honored to support you from my Wilmington, NC-based online therapy practice.

Anxiety can ebb and flow. Or, be a constant throughout the year.

Getting outside, connecting with your body, and moving your body can be a great way to get started with anxiety relief. I’m happy to work with you through online therapy in Maryland or North Carolina. If you are ready to begin anxiety treatment in Wilmington, NC, follow these simple steps:

  1. Click the button to schedule your free 15-minute consultation

  2. Complete brief questionnaire sent to your email

  3. Meet with your new caring therapist

  4. Get anxiety relief and start living a calm life

Other Services Offered at Calm Waters Counseling

Anxiety treatment isn’t the only service offered at my Wilmington, NC-based therapy practice. Other services offered at Calm Waters Counseling include online therapy in Maryland, online therapy in North Carolina, treatment for perfectionism, and burnout treatment.

Learn More About Laura

Laura Rippeon smiles while posing next to a wall. She is an anxiety therapist in Wilmington, NC & owner of Calm Waters Counseling! Contact her today for anxiety treatment in Wilmington, NC. She also offers online therapy in Maryland and online t…

Learn more about me and my counseling in Wilmington, NC, Calm Waters Counseling. I specialize in counseling for women providing anxiety treatment, therapy for imposter syndrome, treatment for perfectionism, and burnout counseling

My therapy approach to reduce anxiety uses CBT, ACT, brief solution-focused therapy, and mindfulness techniques. 

For more information on these therapy approaches check out these helpful blogs:

What is CBT Therapy?

What is ACT Therapy?

CBT vs ACT for Anxiety Treatment

What is Mindfulness and How is it Used in Anxiety Therapy?

I am a licensed social worker in Maryland and North Carolina. In addition to in-person therapy at my office in Wilmington, North Carolina, I also provide online therapy to anyone located in Maryland and North Carolina. Click below to learn more.

Online Therapy in Maryland

Online Therapy in North Carolina 

If you have been wanting to try online anxiety therapy, check out this helpful blog:

Is Online Therapy Right for Me?

Benefits of Using Online Therapy for Anxiety Relief


Written by: Laura Rippeon, LCSW, LCSW-C

Updated 3/12/23