How to Stop Revenge Bedtime Procrastination

The Not So Secret Anxiety Diary | Anxiety Diary | Laura Rippeon | Mental Health Blog

What is Revenge Bedtime Procrastination and What to do about Revenge Bedtime Procrastination

It seems like there are never enough hours in the day. How many times have you thought that to yourself or maybe even said it out loud?

You are doing for others so much whether it is with work, family, or friends that often you put yourself on the back burner. 

You only get to settle down at night. Things are quiet.

Woman in bed | watching tv | staying up late |  revenge bedtime procrastination | self-care

The pressures of the day have officially been put on hold until tomorrow.

It is easy to get caught up in the cycle of revenge bedtime procrastination. Most times it becomes really easy to slip into it gradually and then you start to experience the impact of what has happened.

You know it’s not good for you, there will be consequences for sleep procrastination, and yet it’s also the only time you seem to have for you.

In this blog, I’m going to give you 4 tips to help with revenge bedtime procrastination and help you get back on track to a healthier sleep schedule.

I am an online anxiety therapist in Wilmington, NC and specialize in working with high achieving women experiencing anxiety. High achievers experience burnout and imposter syndrome as well. 

I am also dually licensed and provide online therapy in North Carolina and Maryland.

Ready to get into a healthier sleep routine? Click the button below to schedule your free 15 minute consultation and start therapy with me.

By the end of this blog you’ll have a better understanding of revenge bedtime procrastination and learn some helpful tips to fix revenge bedtime procrastination.

4 Helpful Tips to Stop Revenge Bedtime Procrastination

Trying to break unhealthy habits is really difficult. Revenge bedtime procrastination can create some really unhealthy habits and occurs most often because you are not able to give yourself the time to do what you want during the day.

Revenge bedtime procrastination can increase feelings of anxiety and depression so it is important to recognize when the pattern is happening and work to create a healthier sleep schedule.

Check out these tips on stopping revenge bedtime procrastination below.

Tip #1 to Help Fix Revenge Bedtime Procrastination: Create a Bedtime Routine

Once you are in the cycle it can be really hard to get back on track. 

Creating a bedtime routine can be a great place to start if you don’t already have one that you like to do. This helps to signal to your body and mind that it is time and can help you wind down much easier.

This can be especially true if you are also experiencing the Sunday Scaries along with the revenge bedtime procrastination. 

Try This Tip: When starting your new bedtime routine, start the process earlier in small amounts. 

For example, the first week start 10 minute earlier than you normally would and the second week 20 minutes earlier than you normally would. Keep going until you have reached a time that allows for you to still have time for yourself but also allows you to get some better rest.

Try This Tip: Incorporate some calming activities in your bedtime routine such as taking a warm shower or bath, using lavender lotion on your skin or spritzing the scent on your pillow, or spend a few minutes journaling.

You have heard these things before because they are certainly nothing new but they can be really helpful for the nighttime worries.

Tip #2 to Help Fix Revenge Bedtime Procrastination: Put Limits in Place

Boundaries and limits for ourself is so important and yet so hard to do. Staying committed and having the willpower to regulate these are no easy tasks. 

However, they are necessary because most of what I see so often leads to remaining in revenge bedtime procrastination.

I promise you Netflix is not going anywhere and that episode will be there tomorrow. 

However, being able to stay awake during your company meeting tomorrow is not guaranteed if you give in to just watching “one more episode.”

Try This Tip: No screen time at least an hour before bed, cut the caffeine off by late afternoon, and no late night exercising.

All of things can easily keep your mind and body going which is the opposite effect we are going for in order to create some healthier bedtime habits to get out of revenge bedtime procrastination.

Tip #3 to Help Fix Revenge Bedtime Procrastination: Your Sleep Environment is Key

No this does not mean you have to feng shui your bedroom. 

However, your sleep environment can heavily impact your quality of sleep and can add to staying up late, even if unintended.

Try This Tip: Assess how much light and sound is happening in and outside of the room. Is the temperature in the room too warm or cool? Are your pets sleeping in bed with you?

Make some small changes where you can to help improve your quality of sleep.

Tip #4 to Help Fix Revenge Bedtime Procrastination: Schedule Time for Yourself

Be intentional and make it a point to schedule time for yourself. 

If you are doing too much for others and leaving no time to care for yourself this will lead to burnout, especially if you are not getting enough sleep.

You often hear so much about establishing a healthy work-life balance but it is easier said that done.

Planner | Planning | Organizing | Self-Care | Using a Planner | Staying Organized

Try This Tip: Sit down with your planner and block off a time at some point this week. It can be anything from a quick 5 minutes of self-care or up to an hour to do whatever you want or need. 

Write it down and make yourself unavailable.

Other things to consider include asking for help instead of trying to do everything yourself and saying “no” to somethings instead of overcommitting.

Start Anxiety Counseling for High Achievers at Calm Waters Counseling in Wilmington, NC

Revenge bedtime procrastination can really impact your emotional and mental health.

It also makes sense why a lot of women can easily find themselves in this cycle too. Thankfully, you can get out of the sleep procrastination cycle and therapy can be a helpful tool for support as well.

I use acceptance and commitment therapy for anxiety treatment and burnout counseling.  

Learn more about ACT for anxiety and ACT for burnout and how it can be helpful for you.

Get started in therapy at Calm Waters Counseling by following these 4 simple steps

Therapist in Wilmington, NC | Anxiety therapist in Wilmington, NC | Social worker in Wilmington, NC | Mental health therapist in Wilmington, NC | Online therapist in North Carolina | Online therapist in Maryland
  1. Click the button below to schedule your free 15 minute consultation

  2. Complete the brief questionnaire sent to your email before the consultation

  3. Meet with your anxiety therapist

  4. Start creating a healthier work-life balance for your life

Therapy for High Achieving Women in Wilmington, NC at Calm Waters Counseling

Learn more about me and my Wilmington, NC online therapy practice for high achieving women. 

Most often high achieving women struggle with issues of anxiety, perfectionism, imposter syndrome, and burnout. 

Click the links below to learn more about these services.

Anxiety Counseling in Wilmington, NC

Therapy for Perfectionism in Wilmington, NC

Therapy for Imposter Syndrome in North Carolina

Burnout Counseling in Wilmington, NC


Online Therapy in Maryland

Online Acceptance and Commitment Therapy is a helpful resource for high achieving women. Often so busy, it can be difficult to make time for self-care. 

The ability to attend virtual therapy appointments is a huge benefit. Online therapy appointments occur over a HIPAA compliant and safe video platform where the therapist and client have the ability to see each other.

I am dually licensed and able to provide therapy to anyone living in Maryland and North Carolina. 

To learn more about online therapy in your state, click the link below.

Online therapy appointment | African American woman at computer | black woman with computer | online therapy in North Carolina | online therapy in Maryland

Online Therapy in North Carolina

Online Therapy in Maryland

If you have been wanting to try online therapy, check out these helpful blog posts about online therapy to get some more information.

Is Online Therapy the Norm Now?

Benefits of Using Online Therapy for Anxiety Relief

Does Online Therapy Actually Work?


Still have questions? Let me get you some answers!


Written by: Laura Rippeon, LCSW, LCSW-C

Updated 3/15/23