How to Manage the Sunday Scaries

What to Do When The Sunday Scaries Show Up

It’s Sunday evening and you are winding down from the weekend only to stay winding yourself up for what is to come on Monday. They Sunday Scaries have now shown up. 

It’s frustrating to go from having a wonderful weekend only to start stressing about what lies ahead for you in the week to come.

Stressed woman on couch | headache from anxiety and stress | feel dread | anxiety headache | feeling nervous

The anxiety from the Sunday Scaries can create worrisome thoughts and nervousness. You may even have physical reactions such as headaches, pain in your stomach, tension in your neck or shoulders, or all of a sudden feel uncomfortable in your own skin.

If you find yourself experiencing constant dread when it comes to work, you may also be experiencing work burnout.

In this blog, I’m sharing with you how you can manage the Sunday Scaries the next time they show up.

I am a Wilmington, NC online therapist and provide therapy for high achieving women. I specialize in anxiety treatment and burnout counseling.

Ready to start getting rid of those Sunday Scaries and start anxiety therapy with me? Click the button below to schedule your free 15 minute consultation on the date and time of your choice.

Keep reading to find out how to tame the Sunday Scaries.

5 Tips to Help Cope with the Sunday Scaries

It’s normal to say goodbye to the weekend and start looking towards the week ahead. However, when you start to have those feelings of dread and anxiety every Sunday evening, that’s a whole different story.

Check out these helpful tips listed to below to help cope with the Sunday Scaries when they show up.

Tip #1 to Cope with the Sunday Scaries: Focus on the Here and Now

mindfulness exercise | mindfulness practice | anxiety coping skill | mindfulness therapy

Being in the present and practicing mindfulness can help you keep focus on the here and now. If you are staying focused on what is happening right in front of you, most likely you are not focused on anxious thoughts that may be happening. 

Practice some quick and easy mindfulness exercises such as paying attention to your senses like the 5-4-3-2-1 exercise. 

Tip #2 to Cope with the Sunday Scaries: Create a Healthy Work-Life Balance

Easier said than done, yes I know.

However, if you can plan something during the week that you can look forward to this can be really helpful rather than focusing on the dread of the new work week. 

Some ideas include meeting up with friends at a local restaurant, planning a date night for you and your partner, or clean out the DVR and catch up on your favorite show. 

Tip #3 to Cope with the Sunday Scaries: Have a System

Having a system or a plan has saved my butt too many times to even count. They make my life a lot easier and stress free. So why not try to have one to combat the Sunday Scaries as well.

For example, try not to schedule certain things first thing on Monday mornings or on Mondays at all. Allow yourself the ease of settling into the work week.

Tip #4 to Cope with the Sunday Scaries: Focus on What is in Your Control

Feelings of anxiety and constant thoughts will have you feeling overwhelmed. Most times if you are in this emotionally charged place, it is difficult to figure out what to do or go forward.

While you may not be able to control the thoughts and feelings that are showing up, you can control how you respond to those things and your behaviors. 

So take a pause before you react and identify all your choices. Then pick the best one for you.

Tip #5 to Cope with the Sunday Scaries: Make a Relaxing Nighttime Routine

How many times has it happened where you lay down and now all of a sudden your brain just starts thinking all the thoughts?

If anxiety is making it difficult to sleep, one of the things you can intentionally do is create a relaxing nighttime routine.

While I love the idea of this for every night of the week, I think it is especially important for Sunday evenings. This can be helpful to just spend some time practicing self-care, charge your battery for the week ahead, and be intentional with your time.

Some examples include going to bed early on Sunday night, get off electronics and do some reading, spend time doing some journaling, have some warm decaffeinated tea, spray bed linens with calming spray, and taking a warm shower before bed.

Begin Anxiety Counseling in Wilmington, NC at Calm Waters Counseling

The Sunday Scaries can be so bad it wipes out the awesome weekend you just enjoyed. Those feelings of dread and anxiety show up but you don’t have to let them rule your Sunday.

The tips shared here can help manage the thoughts and feelings that happen with the Sunday Scaries. For more help, you can start anxiety counseling.

I use ACT and CBT for anxiety treatment. Learn more about CBT and ACT for anxiety and how it can be helpful for you.

Using acceptance and commitment therapy for anxiety treatment

Using cognitive behavioral therapy for anxiety treatment

Get started in therapy at Calm Waters Counseling by following these 4 simple steps:

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  1. Click the button below to schedule your free 15 minute consultation

  2. Complete the brief questionnaire sent to your email before the consultation

  3. Meet with your Wilmington, NC therapist

  4. Start living your life with less anxiety


Online Anxiety Therapy in North Carolina

Online therapy is effective for anxiety treatment and burnout counseling. Online therapy for anxiety treatment can be used safely and securely through an online portal where the therapist and client can both see and hear each other.

woman with laptop | online therapy | online therapist | online therapy in North Carolina | online therapy in Maryland

To learn more about using ACT and CBT in online therapy click the links below.

Using ACT for Anxiety with Online Therapy

Using Cognitive Behavioral Therapy for Online Therapy

I am an online therapist in North Carolina and Maryland. For more information, click the links below.

Online anxiety therapy in North Carolina

Online anxiety therapy in Maryland

Wanna know a little bit more about online therapy effectiveness and how it works? Check out these helpful blog posts about online therapy.

Is online therapy the norm now?

Is online therapy right for me?


Still have more questions? Click these buttons to get some answers.


Written by: Laura Rippeon, LCSW, LCSW-C

Updated 3/15/23