3 Reasons Why Playfulness in Relationships is Important

Playfulness is Important to Help to Create a Healthy Relationship

The high achieving woman often has so much going on in her life that it can be easy for the important things to take a backseat, like their relationship with their partner or marriage.

Of course, this doesn’t necessarily mean these relationships aren’t important, and often times it isn’t intentional but something that just happens.

bored couple | couple having coffee | unhappy marriage | stressed marriage

When this happens it is easy to feel like your relationship is stuck in a rut and boring. Maybe you feel like the spark has been lost

Can you remember the last time you laughed together or had a conversation that didn’t involve some aspect of your day-to-day?

In this blog, I’m sharing 3 reasons why playfulness in a relationship is important. 

I am a therapist in Wilmington, NC, and specialize in therapy for anxious high-achieving women, providing anxiety treatment and burnout counseling.

Online therapy services for high achieving women are available in Maryland and North Carolina.

Ready to get started? Click the button below and online book your free 15-minute consultation for the date and time of your choice.

By the end of this, you will have a better understanding of why playfulness is important in relationships.

3 Reasons why Playfulness in Relationships is Important

There are many ways to tend and nurture relationships. Playfulness is just one way to do so and in this blog, you’ll have a better understanding of why playfulness is important.

Reason #1 Why Playfulness in Relationships is Important: Improves Closeness

The best part is that playfulness can be incorporated into almost anything!
— Leslee Bry, LCMFT

It can be really hard to keep the spark alive in relationships and it is unrealistic to hold to that standard and maintain.

The truth is, relationships ebb and flow like most other things in life and there may be periods of time when you don’t feel as close to your partner.

Incorporating playfulness into your relationship is a great way to help feel connected with your partner. 

Reason #2 Why Playfulness in Relationships is Important: Helps with Communication

Have you ever experienced a time when you felt sad, upset, anxious, etc. and it felt really hard to express to your partner what was going on or even why you were feeling that way?

Often times when experiencing feelings of joy or happiness these feelings can be easier to communicate to others. Practicing expressing and communicating these feelings can help give practice to when you are experiencing the harder feelings too.

Playfulness also allows for more communication in general too.

Playful couple | dancing couple | happy couple | smiling couple

It is easy to get stuck in the rut of “how was your day” or “who is dropping the kids off at daycare tomorrow morning.”

Having fun and being playful can put a pause on the monotony of everyday conversations.

Reason #3 Why Playfulness in Relationships is Important: Improves Trust

Playfulness has a level of openness and vulnerability. When we can be playful with our partner it is allowing us to do so in a safer way that may feel more comfortable. 

Leslee Bry, LCMFT, owner of Mindful Marriage and Family Therapy LLC, and provides marriage counseling in Frederick, MD, states “Playfulness allows us to explore our space and one another without concern for mistakes or judgment. The best part is that playfulness can be incorporated into almost anything! From doing chores together to date night activities, or a sexy evening in, playfulness can be an essential tool for any couple.”

Start Anxiety Therapy in Wilmington, NC at Calm Waters Counseling

Relationships are hard work and it is important to give time, energy, and effort to them. It can also be really easy to fall into routines that can leave your relationship on the back burner. This is normal and can happen to all couples and adding playfulness into your relationship is really fun and amazing way to help feel connected back into your relationship.

I use acceptance and commitment therapy in Wilmington, NC for anxiety treatment and burnout counseling. 

Learn more about ACT for anxiety and how it can be helpful for you.

Get started in therapy at Calm Waters Counseling by following these 4 simple steps:

anxiety therapist | ACT therapist | therapist in Wilmington, NC | Wilmington, NC therapist
  1. Click the button below to schedule your free 15-minute consultation

  2. Complete the brief questionnaire sent to your email before the consultation

  3. Meet with your ACT therapist

  4. Start improving your relationships today


Therapy for High Achieving Women in Wilmington, NC at Calm Waters Counseling

In addition to providing anxiety treatment in Wilmington, NC, Calm Waters Counseling also focuses on other topics such as burnout and work-stress, imposter syndrome, and perfectionism.

Learn more about me and my Wilmington, NC counseling practice.

For more information on other services click the links below:

Anxiety treatment in Wilmington, NC

Burnout counseling in Wilmington, NC

Treatment for perfectionism in Maryland

Therapy for imposter syndrome in Wilmington, NC


Online Anxiety Therapy for High Achieving Women 

High-Achievers have found online Acceptance and Commitment Therapy beneficial because it offers a lot of flexibility to fit the lifestyle you live. 

Therapy sessions occur over a live video platform allowing the therapist and client to see and hear each other. 

woman with pet | woman with French bulldog | work from home | online therapy | online counseling

Click the links below to learn more about online therapy services at Calm Waters Counseling.

Online therapy for anxiety in North Carolina

Online anxiety therapy in Maryland

You can also check out these helpful blogs post about online therapy for more information:

Does online therapy actually work?

Is online therapy right for me?


Still, have questions?


Written by: Laura Rippeon, LCSW, LCSW-C

Updated 3/15/23