5 Helpful Tips for When You Are Feeling Overwhelmed

Use These Helpful Tips for When You Are Feeling Anxious and Overwhelmed

Can you think back and remember a time when you felt so overwhelmed and just helpless. That feeling of overwhelm can keep you stuck and frozen like a dear in headlights. Not sure where to turn next or what to do.

Stress woman | overwhelmed woman sitting on the floor | anxious woman holding her chest | feeling overwhelmed

When feeling overwhelmed, often there are many other emotions happening such as stress, anxiety, frustration, sadness, etc. It’s rarely ever just overwhelm. With so much happening and going on, it is understandable why it can be paralyzing.

If you are constantly feeling overwhelmed by life or feeling overwhelmed with work it can also lead to burnout.

In this blog, I’m sharing helpful tips that you can use for when you are starting to feel overwhelmed. 

I am an anxiety therapist in Wilmington, NC and specialize in women’s therapy in Wilmington, NC. I provide anxiety treatment, treatment for perfectionism, therapy for imposter syndrome, and burnout counseling.

I provide online therapy for high achieving women in North Carolina and Maryland.

Click the button below to get started in anxiety therapy with me. Choose the day and time that works best for your free 15 minute consultation.

Keep reading to learn helpful tips you can use for when you feel overwhelmed.

5 Things You Can Do When You Are Feeling Overwhelmed

Tip #1 For When Feeling Overwhelmed: Ask for Help

This isn’t always the easiest thing to do and I recognize that. However, it can be one the biggest and most important things you can do to help yourself when feeling overwhelmed.

Tip #2 For When Feeling Overwhelmed: Focus on the Facts

It is super easy to get caught up in all the emotions that you may be feeling when overwhelmed. Often feelings such as anger, anxiety, panic, frustration, sadness, hopelessness, and helplessness are present. 

Try to focus on the facts and what is happening in the present moment. If you can do this you can focus on what is within your control and do some problem solving.

Things within your control include your behaviors and how you choose to respond to the thoughts you’re having and the feelings you are experiencing. 

Tip #3 For When Feeling Overwhelmed: Take a Time Out and Step Away

Sometimes it is just best to walk away for a bit and then come back. When you are in the thick of it and feeling overwhelmed, it is really hard to think clearly. It’s okay to give yourself permission to take a break from what is happening and come back to it.

Tip #4 For When Feeling Overwhelmed: Break It Down

Got a lot on your plate? Deadlines and projects to meet? 

One of the best ways to get some action going when feeling overwhelmed by these things is to break it down into small manageable tasks or action items. If the small steps still seem overwhelming, break it down even smaller.

One of the tools I love using most for this is called the Eisenhower Matrix. It helps with breaking down tasks and time management. 

Tip #5 For When Feeling Overwhelmed: Increase the Self-Compassion

self-compassion | self-esteem | practice self-compassion reminder | self-care

Lastly, but certainly not the least important, is the importance of bringing in some self-compassion. Acknowledging and accepting you are dealing with some hard and challenging things and doing the best you can in the moment is really important. 

When acting with self-compassion in mind, it can allow the space for stress, anxiety, frustration, etc. to come down. 

Begin Anxiety Therapy in Wilmington, NC at Calm Waters Counseling

Experiencing feelings of overwhelm can often lead to avoiding whatever is going on and that is likely not going to help manage the feelings and get through what is causing these feelings in the first place. Hopefully, the tips provided can help provide some guidance when these feelings of overwhelm start showing up.

Get started in anxiety therapy at Calm Waters Counseling by following these 4 simple steps:

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  1. Click the button below to schedule your free 15 minute consultation

  2. Complete the brief questionnaire sent to your email before the consultation

  3. Meet with your anxiety therapist

  4. Start living your life feeling less overwhelm


Additional Services Offered at Calm Waters Counseling for Women

Learn more about me and my Wilmington NC online therapy practice.

Everyone experiences feelings of overwhelm and I specialize in working with high-achieving women experiencing anxiety and stress. I also provide burnout counseling and treatment for perfectionism. 


Online Anxiety Therapy in North Carolina Helps Manage Feelings of Overwhelm

Online Acceptance and Commitment Therapy for anxiety is beneficial for addressing and managing feelings of overwhelm. There are a lot of benefits to using online therapy as a resource including flexibility and convenience. 

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I am an online anxiety therapist in North Carolina and Maryland. For more information in online anxiety therapy in each of these areas, click the links below.

Online therapy for anxiety in North Carolina

Online therapy for anxiety in Maryland

Check out these helpful blog posts for more information on online therapy:

Using Online Therapy for Anxiety Relief

Does Online Therapy Actually Work?

Is Online Therapy the Norm Now?


Still have questions? Click the buttons below to get some answers.


Written by: Laura Rippeon, LCSW, LCSW-C

Updated 3/15/23