Why You Need More Than Just Self-Care

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The Power of Bringing Self-Care and Self-Compassion Together

Now more than ever, self-care is plastered everywhere. It makes sense though considering our world got turned upside down by COVID-19.

young woman with eyes closed and breathing | young woman breathing | mindfulness breathing | young woman practicing self-care

As a therapist, it has been ingrained in our profession so deeply to make sure we talk about the importance of self-care with our clients. Self-care is not the magical key to unlocking good self-esteem or loving yourself more. It takes a lot more than just that.

Self-care sometimes gets a bad rap. The number one thing I hear most often from my clients when it comes to self-care is “self-care is selfish.”

Self-care is an important piece of the puzzle to taking steps towards having good mental health.

But I think there is something just as important as self-care, and that is self-compassion.

In this blog, I’m sharing with you the difference between self-care and self-compassion and what can happen when you bring them together.

I am an online therapist in Wilmington, NC, and specialize in therapy for high-achieving women. I provide anxiety treatment, therapy for perfectionism, and burnout counseling

Online therapy for anxious high achievers and entrepreneurs are provided in Maryland and North Carolina.

Ready to get started in therapy with me? Click the button below to online reserve your free 15-minute consultation for the date and time of your choice.

Keep reading to learn more about self-care and self-compassion.

Self-Care vs Self-Compassion

While these concepts may sound like they can be interchangeable or the same thing, there are some differences. Keep reading to learn more.

What is Self-Care 

Self-care can best be described as the actions you take to do something to make you feel better. This could be something like taking a walk, brushing your teeth, or setting a boundary with a family member. Self-care can take some careful planning or you can practice self-care quickly and on the spot.

What is Self-Compassion 

self-compassion | practice self-compassion reminder | self-care

Self-compassion is how we treat ourselves, especially during difficult moments. Self-compassion is about showing up with kindness and giving ourselves grace when our brain is telling us unkind and anxiety-producing thoughts. Self-compassion is also about being able to acknowledge the pain or challenging thoughts, feelings, emotions, etc. that are showing up presently.

There are many different ways to help develop self-compassion, but one of the best examples I give to clients is talking to yourself as you would talk with a friend who is going through the same thing. Chances are you won’t be critical, harsh, or unkind to this friend. You deserve the same care and compassion that you would give to someone else.

Self-Care and Self-Compassion 

So what happens when you can bring these two forces together? Taking action (self-care) and offering yourself grace and kindness (self-compassion) amid the pain, can be healing. A lot of times, clients that I work with hold themself to very high standards and forget to put their needs at the top of the list. If able to lean into regularly practicing self-care and self-compassion there is much to learn and a lot of healing that can come.

Begin Anxiety Counseling in Wilmington, NC at Calm Waters Counseling

Self-care is an important part of having good mental health but it shouldn’t be the only part emphasized.

Just as important, if not more important, is the practice of developing self-compassion.  

I use Acceptance and Commitment Therapy for anxiety treatment. One of the core parts of the ACT Therapy model is building self-compassion.

Learn about ACT and how it can be helpful for you.

Get started in therapy at Calm Waters Counseling by following these 4 simple steps:

anxiety therapist | therapist near me | ACT therapist | Wilmington, NC therapist | therapist in Wilmington, NC
  1. Click the button below to schedule your free 15-minute consultation

  2. Complete the brief questionnaire sent to your email before the consultation

  3. Meet with your anxiety therapist

  4. Start building more self-compassion


THerapy for High Achievers in Wilmington, NC

You can learn more about me and my Wilmington, NC virtual counseling practice.

I work with anxious high-achieving women and often my clients will come to sessions and talk about more than just anxiety.

Check out all services at Calm Waters Counseling listed below:

Anxiety counseling in Wilmington, NC

Treatment for Perfectionism in Maryland

Burnout Counseling in Wilmington, NC

Therapy for Imposter Syndrome in Wilmington, NC


Online Therapy for High Achieving Women in North Carolina and Maryland

High-achieving women are busy. 

They are driven, on a mission, and a lot of times stretched to the max with responsibilities. 

Online therapy is a great option for the high-achiever because online therapy offers a lot of benefits and can be flexible to meet the demands of a busy schedule. 

Online therapy is also effective and easy to use. All you need is a smartphone, tablet, or computer that has video capability and you’re in business. 

During an online therapy session, the client and online therapist can both hear and see each other.

Online ACT Therapy for anxiety treatment is successful and effective. 

online therapy appointment | woman with dog at computer | online therapy in North Carolina | online therapy in Maryland | online therapist in North Carolina | online therapist in Maryland

Click the links below to learn about online therapy where you live.

online therapy for anxiety in North Carolina

online anxiety therapy in Maryland


Still, have questions? Click the buttons below to get some answers.


Written by: Laura Rippeon, LCSW, LCSW-C

Updated 3/17/23